Baron Morkimer Von Snerd JPG file [1 Attachment]

[Attachment(s) from Jackie Jones included below]


This was my Black & Tan Mini Dachshund that I had when I bred Dachshunds back in the 80's and early 90's. He was a areal lover. Very gentle and took the blame for everything that the "Girls" did, Foxie and Gretchen. Foxie was the female I had for breeding and I don't have a picture of her unfortunely) she was a red mini. If you are part of my graphics groups, the PSP will follow. I cannot get the picture in here to show you all. I just have to attach it. Sorry.
Snerders passed over to "The Rainbow Bridge" back in later 1999. I DO miss him greatly.

Jackie Jones


Attachment(s) from Jackie Jones

1 of 1 Photo(s)

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