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Seal Our Rescued Grey Seal has
Been Released

National Aquarium Animal Rescue released its 99th rehabilitated animal, a grey seal! Named Ponyboy, the seal suffered from a severe wound to his front flipper and a respiratory infection but was given a clean bill of health late last week. The team is looking forward to releasing our 100th animal soon! Get the latest updates by following our Animal Rescue expert @JennDittmar on Twitter.
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Blacktip Reef NPR NPR Features Blacktip Reef
NPR recently featured our new exhibit, Blacktip Reef (opening July 10), on their show "All Things Considered," focusing on the challenges of creating a reef indoors, the fabrication of our artificial habitat and our conservation mission.
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James Cameron Inspiration From James Cameron
Ocean pioneer and Academy Award-winning filmmaker James Cameron brought his submersible, the DEEPSEA CHALLENGER, to Washington, DC, and National Aquarium was there covering the event! The sub will be studied by engineering students in Massachusetts, who are building the next generation of submersible research vessels.
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• June 19 - Attend the Next Fresh Thoughts Sustainable Seafood Dinner in Washington, DC
• June 22 - Volunteer for the Masonville Cove Restoration

National Aquarium is a nonprofit organization whose mission is to inspire conservation of the world's aquatic treasures.
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National Aquarium | 1401 Constitution Avenue, NW | Washington, DC 20230 | United States
National Aquarium | 501 East Pratt Street | Baltimore, MD 21202 | United States

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