About Animals: Petrels' Diet Signals Shift in Ocean Food Web

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From Laura Klappenbach, your Guide to Animals
Welcome to the Animals / Wildlife Newsletter, a weekly newsletter published every Thursday by About.com's Animals / Wildlife website. For more about animals and wildlife, be sure to stop by the blog, participate in forum discussions, and browse the growing library of animal profiles.

Petrels' Diet Signals Shift in Ocean Food Web
The Hawaiian petrel, an endangered petrel endemic to the Hawaiian Islands, appears to have changed its feeding patterns dramatically in recent years. This trend was revealed in a recent study... Read more
Search Related Topics:  birds  conservation 

British Butterfly Shuns Cold Summers
Results from a recent long-term study have revealed that the silver-spotted skipper, a British butterfly species, suffers drastic population declines during cool summers. The silver-spotted skipper, which previously risked extinction... Read more
Search Related Topics:  butterflies  conservation 

The Basic Carnivore Groups
There are 249 species of carnivores alive today and these species are classify into seven groups including bears, cats, civets, raccoons, mustelids, canids and hyenas. This article explores the basic... Read more
Search Related Topics:  carnivores  mammals 

Amphibians are a group of vertebrates that includes salamanders, newts, caecilians, frogs and toads. There are between 5,000 and 6,000 species of amphibians alive today. The first amphibians arose about 370 million years ago during the Devonian Period. The articles listed below provide information about the characteristics, classification and evolution of amphibians.


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This newsletter is written by:
Laura Klappenbach
Animals Guide
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