[boxer lovers] Protecting my owner


Interesting thing happened to me on the way to the theater, whoops wrong story. But yesterday I woke up with a very stiff neck and had to go into into town to see my doctor. While I was in town my wife, who had been away for a couple of days arrived home. I got home and she was in her office on the computer and our two lovable three year old puppies were lying on the floor next to here. I walked in the door wearing a neck brace, and suddenly I had two 70 pound guardians barking at me and not wanting to let me go any further. I took the brace of and and all of a sudden the room was quiet and tails stubs were wagging. I spoke to them and they rushed me like they always do. It made me feel good that even though I was there owner, the fact that they did not recognize me put them on alert. Made my wife feel good also.


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