Re: [boxer lovers] Re: My introduction/question too



Thank you so much for the welcome.  I cried when I read your story!  I cannot imagine the utter devastation you must have felt!  I suppose we have been lucky with Heidi so far as the one night she was bitten terribly...had welts everywhere!  She much have gotten into some kind of swarm or something but she was not uncomfortable (itchy, etc.). and the next day the welts were gone.  Thank God she showed no signs of allergic reaction so I suppose that is a bit of a comfort to me.  However, I will certainly continue to watch as I know people can develop an allergy to something they have never been allergic to before so I would assume the same is possible in animals.  I have become so attached to my beautiful Heidi that I cannot imagine going through such a thing so again, I thank you for your story - as hard as that must have been to tell.

Many years ago, I had a black lab/chesapeake bay retriever mix.  She was enormous at 120 pounds at 1 year old.  She was attacked in my back yard by some feral cats and scratched on the nose.  I washed and treated the scratches and she healed fine.  Several months later, she started to lose her hair all over her body.  In the end, she had to be euthanized at 2 years old weighed under 70 pounds and nearly bald and NO definite diagnosis to her ailment.  One said it was a skin cancer, but I still think it came from the cat scratches.  I was told the only way to really find out was to take her to Ohio State University and as I was pregnant, we simply could not afford the expense that would involve.  So, I will never know why for sure. 

After that, I got into rescue and did that for many years.  If I checked my records carefully, I suspect I was responsible for re-homing more than 300 dogs over the years and am still in touch with many of the families.  Some of these needed serious rehabilitation (mostly emotional, but some physical) and it is something for which I am very proud.  I left rescue when my daughter became pregnant and I just didn't think it wise to have these unpredictable canines around a pregnant mom to be.l  Maybe I will again someday do rescue but if I do, it may be Boxer-specific. 

Anyway, thank you again for the information.  I received a few homeopathic recipes and 1 of them just makes sense and will be safe to use on my grandson, too.  So, I will see how that works!

Peace and blessings,

Val & Heidi
Tiny - rescue Beagle born with hydrocephalis but you'd never know it now
Ping-Ping -   rescue Rat Terrier - I was in a wheelchair at the time and she picked me
Ozzie - 5 year old yellow naped amazon parrot
two snakes, too! 

Yep...we have a zoo here!

" Love doesn't make the world go 'round. Love is what makes the ride worthwhile."
Franklin P. Jones

From: Kelley Hornberger <>
Sent: Wednesday, July 13, 2011 12:44 PM
Subject: [boxer lovers] Re: My introduction/question too

Hello Val!
Welcome to the world of Boxers! They are a magnificent breed! I have 1 yr old Sarge who is training to become my mobility service dogs. They are an easy to train breed who are great working dogs! I love him to death!

We use a topical fleat/tick/mosquito product called "Simple Guard 3" from our vets office. This is supposed to help repel everything. Last year I also purchased a dog bandana that was saturated with a type of pyrethrin. It helped alot and I'm looking to purchase another one. I don't remember where I purchased it from but you can Google it and likely find it online.

I also must say that it's important to watch any dog that is bitten by a mosquito. 13 months ago my precious 1 yr old Boxer Bella died from a mosquito bite. Twenty four hours after being bitten by a couple of mosquitos, she went developed a massive allergic reaction and ultimately lost her life.

The day after we were in the lower yard, I noticed she had 3 small mosquito bites but thought nothing. All afternoon she seemed sleepy and just didn't want to be bothered. By suppertime my vet tech friend evaluated her and said it's good to go to the pet ER. Bella just seemed lethargic and when she stood, she would just stare down at the ground. The pet ER did bloodwork and sent us home with no diagnosis/treatment. They said to just watch her.

Twelve hours later, early the next morning, Bella couldn't stand. She also would not move her head but to look down. We ran back to the vet and her white count DOUBLED in 12 hours! There was no infection found though. The vet determined she had encephalitis and by then her entire central nervous system had shut down. We had no choice but to put her down to end her suffering. Devastating isn't the word...she was also my service dog in training. She was my world.

A few months ago my regular vet & I discussed Bella's death because I was worried Sarge could end up with the same fate. He went through Bella's records and found that it was NOT was a massive delayed allergic reaction to the mosquito bite itself. She could only look downwards because her brain was filling with alot of fluid and her central nervous system was shut down. (Upon her death, there was absolutely no movement in her body...a sign of complete shut down).

Our vet said there isn't a way to detect which dogs will develop an allergic reaction. So he said to watch for warning signs. If you see mosquito bites on your carefully over the next 24 hrs for ANY change in personality or behavior. ESPECIALLY if the dog has a downward head tilt. If you notice ANY changes, give the dog his/her correct Benadryl dose and run to the vet. Tell them you suspect allergic reaction and they will draw blood & offer supportive care and treatment. Bella was misdiagnosed and nothing was going to save her life at that point. If our loss saves even one dogs life, it will have been worth it.

I'm very careful to watch my precious Sarge but know that excessive worrying won't do any good. Just go with your gut when your dog doesn't look well.

I'm sorry to welcome you with this news, but I don't want another dog to die because no one knew that this could happen! All in all, the boxer breed is fantastic and you will have a wonderful friend in him. Welcome to the group and ask as many questions as you like!

Kelley & Sarge SDiT

> We are leaving for the beach on Friday (my first vacation in almost 30 years) and will celebrate bothy Tristin's and my birthday while we are there.  I do notice Heidi reacts more visibly to bug bites than and dog I have ever seen...perhaps it is just because her hair is so short, I can really see bites.  I am concerned about a safe bug retardant for her both at the beach and home.  In would greatly appreciate any input.  She is fully flea treated and heartworm protected and will be wearing a "tick" collar while we are gone, too.  

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