
Re: [boxer lovers] need help understanding boxer


Lisa thanks for the info. My boxer  Manchester does not really bother the one cocker- Chelsea  as she is his playmate. The other= Lassie really doesn't care for the boxer  much but they get along.
He has always wanted to play with her as we took her when we picked up the boxer but this cocker Lassie  really only likes my other cocker Chelsea as she grew up with her .Any way I tried and put him on his side and put my hand on his neck and said no sternly . He stopped right away and when this happened again I did the same thing . He now looks at me and I yell no to him so it is getting better. I think he is getting better at listening now as he looks at me when I say no. I don't think he has a mean thing in his body and he knows I am alpha as I feed , walk him and he sleeps with me. He does not listen to my son as well but when he snaps his fingers and says do you want to go to bed he stops everything. Thanks for the help it is working. I think Lassie thinks she is alpha in the pack.


From: Lisa Wiser <>
Sent: Friday, May 31, 2013 10:54:44 AM
Subject: Re: [boxer lovers] need help understanding boxer


First off, there are really a very few "really good trainers" able to
fix this readily available to people. Secondly, Alpha Dogs are
"benevolent dictators." As long as the pack behaves, no problems. But
when a pack member misbehaves and then refuses to back down? The Alpha
becomes tyrannical. Having watched my extremely strong alpha dog roll a
misbehaving pack member, I'll disagree with you here. This same Alpha
Dog never took a discipline farther than he had to. Once the offending
member responded to his JUMP with "How high, sir?" he backed off. Not a
lot of alphas do that.

A 7 month old is starting to feel his oats. IF you haven't already
gotten him under control, sometimes stronger methods are needed. FIRST
and foremost, the Human has to, has to, ABSOLUTELY HAS TO make it very
clear who is in charge, at all times and in all ways. If Anneli can
convince her boxer to leave the cocker alone with demonstrations of pack
position (with food, attention, etc), great. HOWEVER if she does not get
this under control now, she's going to have to make a serious decision
-- whether to place the cockers elsewhere or the boxer in a single dog
family. And if she hasn't taught him Humans are always first in the
pecking order, he's going to have problems going to a home with children.

Rolling is not a casual thing. I think I made it very clear it was used
in a situation where an older puppy (about 7-8 months old) tried to push
the limit as to who was in charge (I told him to drop something, he
didn't, I reached to take it away from him .. he growled ... growling at
me is pretty darn close to a capital offense in this house with multiple
dogs). That's when he was rolled. The first time, he went down on his
side, I held his head down I told him sternly NO. About a week later, he
tried, one more time, to bluff me with the growl. That time he went
down fast and furious. I held him down with a hand on his head and my
other arm across his chest ... and spent about a minute explaining if a
very strong command voice just what part he'd lose first if he ever
growled at me again. (That litany was for my benefit .. the voice and
amount of time I spent was for him). He NEVER even looked at me cross
eyed again. Normally, this is something I have established before they
get to the rebellious age. However, I didn't get him until he was 6
months old and I had lost that early window.

I've had and trained boxers going on 60 years. I think I've learned a
few tricks of the trade.


Yvonne Loppnau wrote:
> I would recommend looking for a really good experienced trainer. Lisa
> W, I really do not think alpha dogs are mean or need to display
> meanness. Calmness is a far better and more effective method and I
> never ever recommend alpha rolling dogs, true submission is a
> completely voluntary act and true alpha dogs do not have to force
> other dogs to submit, they submit on their own.
> Teaching the dogs your expectations but being a calm thoughtful leader
> is the best method. Crate training will help for sure.
> Yvonne
> __._,

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

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Re: [boxer lovers] need help understanding boxer


First off, there are really a very few "really good trainers" able to
fix this readily available to people. Secondly, Alpha Dogs are
"benevolent dictators." As long as the pack behaves, no problems. But
when a pack member misbehaves and then refuses to back down? The Alpha
becomes tyrannical. Having watched my extremely strong alpha dog roll a
misbehaving pack member, I'll disagree with you here. This same Alpha
Dog never took a discipline farther than he had to. Once the offending
member responded to his JUMP with "How high, sir?" he backed off. Not a
lot of alphas do that.

A 7 month old is starting to feel his oats. IF you haven't already
gotten him under control, sometimes stronger methods are needed. FIRST
and foremost, the Human has to, has to, ABSOLUTELY HAS TO make it very
clear who is in charge, at all times and in all ways. If Anneli can
convince her boxer to leave the cocker alone with demonstrations of pack
position (with food, attention, etc), great. HOWEVER if she does not get
this under control now, she's going to have to make a serious decision
-- whether to place the cockers elsewhere or the boxer in a single dog
family. And if she hasn't taught him Humans are always first in the
pecking order, he's going to have problems going to a home with children.

Rolling is not a casual thing. I think I made it very clear it was used
in a situation where an older puppy (about 7-8 months old) tried to push
the limit as to who was in charge (I told him to drop something, he
didn't, I reached to take it away from him .. he growled ... growling at
me is pretty darn close to a capital offense in this house with multiple
dogs). That's when he was rolled. The first time, he went down on his
side, I held his head down I told him sternly NO. About a week later, he
tried, one more time, to bluff me with the growl. That time he went
down fast and furious. I held him down with a hand on his head and my
other arm across his chest ... and spent about a minute explaining if a
very strong command voice just what part he'd lose first if he ever
growled at me again. (That litany was for my benefit .. the voice and
amount of time I spent was for him). He NEVER even looked at me cross
eyed again. Normally, this is something I have established before they
get to the rebellious age. However, I didn't get him until he was 6
months old and I had lost that early window.

I've had and trained boxers going on 60 years. I think I've learned a
few tricks of the trade.


Yvonne Loppnau wrote:
> I would recommend looking for a really good experienced trainer. Lisa
> W, I really do not think alpha dogs are mean or need to display
> meanness. Calmness is a far better and more effective method and I
> never ever recommend alpha rolling dogs, true submission is a
> completely voluntary act and true alpha dogs do not have to force
> other dogs to submit, they submit on their own.
> Teaching the dogs your expectations but being a calm thoughtful leader
> is the best method. Crate training will help for sure.
> Yvonne
> __._,

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[boxer lovers] Judge Change - Boxers 8/2 Louisiana KC


Louisiana Kennel Club, Inc. (AB/JSHW) on Fri 8/2 [2013023302]
CITY: Kenner, LA - SITE: Pontchartrain Center

BREED: Boxers
CHANGED TO: Dr. Robert A. Indeglia (#1075)
FROM: Mrs. Kimberly Meredith-Cavanna
Change made on: 05/28/13
SUPERINTENDANT: Onofrio Dog Shows, L.L.C.

To view ratings and notes on the new judge:
Permission to crosspost is granted. If you would like judge changes for another breed, email

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