Re: [boxer lovers] Poop eating!


I have no idea if this works but while in the vet's office Monday someone called with the same question as you. I overheard the tech tell her to feed the dog Adolph's meat tenderizer on/in its food. She said just sprinkle some, she did not give an amount. This makes the poop have a taste the dog does not like. I have no idea if it works but you might try it. My dogs never ate their own poop but Duncan was really into eating the horse's poop:).

----- Original Message -----
From: melissa924
Sent: Thursday, November 03, 2011 9:04 AM
Subject: [boxer lovers] Poop eating!

My 6 mos. old boxer, Bella eats her poop and I have tried EVERYTHING that I know of to make her stop. I've tried pineapple, otc meds and I try to be out there everytime she has to do her business but I can't always get outside right away. I'm very stressed out about this especially when she comes in and I can smell it on her face. I have talked to my vet and they said some dogs just do it and don't grow out of it. Bella is my 2nd boxer but the first dog that's ever done this. Please please help me and give me some other advice.


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