Re: [boxer lovers] coat


Hi Lyuda,
I have a 65 lb. 3 year old brindle boxer Helmut and he has had two knee surgeries on his left knee. We got him a ruffwear harness and have used it for him ever since. It is an AMAZING harness, extremely heavy duty and fits the big chest, small hind build of a boxer. I also got him a ruffwear leash because I love their products so much and it is very comfortable for me and very heavy duty for my big, strong guy! No, I don't have any affiliation with them, but everyone notices his harness, asks about it and we have to rave about it everytime!


From: Lyudmila <>
Sent: Thursday, September 15, 2011 8:54 AM
Subject: [boxer lovers] coat

It is getting cold outside and I think my Aurora (white boxer) soon will need a coat.
Any suggestions which ones work better?
I'm asking because I got her collar and harness in a pet store and very disappointed with them. So, I'd would appreciate opinion of dog owners vs supply of per stores.

Thank you!
Lyuda and Aurora.

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