Re: [boxer lovers] Boxer puppy


Lisa W,

Your post just made me had a BIG smile, it's so true, i've got a very muscular boxer male 70 lbs ran into my head one day, and it was like a big lemon on my forehead next


--- In, lawiser@... wrote:
> You have a boxer puppy and a Jack Russell "terrorist"?!? You picked 2 high energy breeds. Hope you don't plan on this being a "restful" time in you life!
> With the boxer (as with any puppy actually) remember consistency. Do NOT allow bad habits to start … like chewing on you, for example. What is cute in a puppy and maybe acceptable with a small poodle (because they can't hurt you as much or be as destructive) is not even a little acceptable in a dog hitting 50 or more pounds with a lot of muscle mass behind them.
> A boxer and a Jack Russell. I'm exhausted just thinking about it!
> LisaW
> Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry

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