I am very sorry to hear about Jacob's injury. My 13 year old dachsie, Bruno, injured her back and was paralyzed within an hour. I had to put her to sleep. It was very hard but I couldn't stand to see her in pain. 13 is very old to suffer a back injury in dachsies. 5 to 8 yrs. old is the usual time frame when they are vulnerable.
My in-laws daschie, Ginger, was paralyzed at age 5. The surgery was $1500. She recovered and lived to be 12 years old. Her back legs were wobbly but she suffered no pain, post surgery. We built ramps for her to go outside, and she did well.
I guess what I'm saying is there is no easy answer. I just hate to see my dogs suffer.I hope things go well for you and Jacob.
Kevin Krippel
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