
RE: [boxer lovers] Re: Posting ?


Nana, your post makes my heart sing. My first Boxer as an adult was an older emaciated girl that we got from a high kill shelter here in SoCal. Her name was Maggie and she changed my world. Her story is here She got her wings Feb 20, 2014 at 6:20 pm. In her honor we volunteer with Sachi Animal Rescue, a Boxer rescue here in California. We foster seniors and special needs. We love all Boxers in need, but the seniors are so special. Even if you don't want to adopt a senior, please consider opening your home to foster one. Our biggest obstacle to rescuing more seniors is not having enough foster homes for them. While we're always short on funds, somehow we can always raise the money needed for their medical needs, but we without a foster home we can't rescue them.

My 2 boxers are rescues. They are seniors around 10 now, I have h a d them just over 3 years now. They were skinny and sick when I got them at the all. When I was getting them the all didn't charge me for Yukon, they didn't think he would live only a very short time. Nowhere isn't skinny. Vet said is still in the healthy weight range but can't gain any more. He is full of life, healthy and very spoiled. So is his sister/litter mate Gemini. I lost my other boxer a year ago. I got here when she,Bella, was 6 and was 13/14 when I lost her. I am still hurting. I am just making the case for rescued boxers and especially rescuing the seniors. I am keeping my eyes open for another senior I think it is about time.


From: 'Rachel Osborn, GOBR' [boxerlovers] <>;
To: <>;
Subject: Re: [boxer lovers] Re: Posting ?
Sent: Sat, Apr 30, 2016 10:56:04 PM

Geez, not sure if this was a backyard breeder or a breeder that shows and all, but for sure unethical!!!!! How did you connect with this breeder? Buyer beware by all means. Had you checked references on her, not just HER friends?

Rachel Osborn, Director GOBR


From: "'karon' [boxerlovers]" <>
Sent: Saturday, April 30, 2016 6:15 PM
Subject: RE: [boxer lovers] Re: Posting ?

I like having the group. While I have been remiss, it is good to have the semi privacy to be able to talk and be open and honest. Like, about breeders who steal money. is thee anyone in Alabama who would be willing to act as my agent in a case? For health reason, I cannot travel. This woman stole nearly $1000 from me by selling a puppy which conveniently died at 5 weeks. Her opinion was, health 'guarantee' notwithstanding, I was just sol. Seems, in her world, if you pay for a puppy at 4-5 week you then own and are responsible for the dog at that young age. And should 'things' happen to young puppies, like, they mysteriously die, well, since she already has my money and her 'policy' is that she doesn't refund and, besides, it was my dog that died. Just as if the dog had been my dog who, at 5 YEARS old had died. Except of course, I had never even shared the state with this dog.

Besides the fact that it was already my dog and her policy was not to refund, well, her mother was a widow (of 5 years) and her brother was dead (car crash 7 years previous) and these tragedies entitled her to keep my money, as well….

I want my money back and any legal headaches and financial costs we can create for this little immoral, unethical creature are bonuses.

Any takers?

Karon Adams
Hestia's Handmaiden
Cooking is a Sacred Endeavour

From: []
Sent: Saturday, April 30, 2016 10:49 AM
Subject: Re: [boxer lovers] Re: Posting ?

I do not post much, but I prefer groups rather than face book


On Saturday, April 30, 2016 7:44 AM, "Penny [boxerlovers]" <> wrote:

I couldn't agree more!

Penny, Roger Angels Oakley and Britania Marie and Chumlee 6-10-09 5-2-11 6-23-14


From: "[boxerlovers]" <>
Sent: Saturday, April 30, 2016 8:14 AM
Subject: [boxer lovers] Re: Posting ?

As much as I like Facebook, I want to still see these Yahoo groups continue, especially this one. Someone needs to let FB people know these Yahoo groups are available for those who want to share things on them as well.

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]


Posted by: "Heather Jones" <>
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