
Bearded Gobies to the Rescue

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Bearded Gobies to the Rescue

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Laura Klappenbach
Animals/Wildlife Expert
Bearded Gobies to the Rescue
The bearded goby is an ecological superhero. In less than five decades, this six-inch fish managed to revive an entire marine ecosystem, one that had careened to the brink of collapse.


What is a Jellyfish?

Jellyfish are delicate, soft-bodied animals. They are invertebrates—jellyfish have no bones, exoskeleton, or shell to protect or support them.

Meet the Cnidarians

 Cnidarians are a group of aquatic animals that includes jellyfish, corals, sea anemones, and hydras.

Invertebrates: The Spineless Majority

Scientists have identified nearly one million living species of invertebrates but this represents only a small fraction of the total number of invertebrates alive today. 

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