
[boxer lovers] Can anyone in SoCal please foster a boxer?


The most valuable resource in a rescue that truly saves lives is foster homes. Sachi Animal Rescue desperately needs fosters who understand boxers in SoCal to save more lives. Please don't say you can't foster because you wouldn't be able to let them go. I hear this over and over, yet boxers are euthanized every day simply because there wasn't an available foster home for the rescue that would like to take him or her. 

Fostering is one of the most rewarding experiences. You see these precious souls come to life again when they realize they are safe and they are lovable and when you see them meet the family they were destined to be with, you know they are where they were meant to be. They get adopted by the person who will love them as much, or if possible, even more than you loved them. 

This poem so eloquently tells what fostering means 

 A Poem to my Foster Dog
by Diane Morgan

I am the bridge
between what was and what can be.
I am the pathway to a new life.

I am made of mush,
because my heart melted when I saw you,
matted and sore, limping, depressed,
lonely, unwanted, afraid to love.

For one little time you are mine.
I will feed you with my own hand
I will love you with my whole heart
I will make you whole.

I am made of steel,
because when the time comes,
when you are well and sleek,
when your eyes shine, and your tail wags with joy
then comes the hard part.

I will let you go not without a tear,
but without a regret.
For you are safe forever
A new dog needs me now.

This video will give you a glimpse of the journey of a rescued dog. Charlie is why we foster. Dogs in foster get adopted whereas dogs that remain in boarding may wait eons for their forever home. Charlie here was in boarding for 10 months waiting for his forever family. 4 weeks in foster and Charlie was adopted. Even if you don't live in SoCal and would like to foster, there is a rescue out there that needs you.

Boxer hugs and kisses,


Heather, mom to

Gabby/boxer/62 lbs/34 months/very good and healthy girl


Janie Buttons/boxer/47 lbs/spayed female foster girl 


Forever missing Maggie/boxer/68 lbs/12 +yrs/ CKD, chronic pancreatitis, hypothyroidism, arthritis, arrhythmia controlled by sotalol, adult onset epilepsy, likely IBD,a heart condition suspected to be  ARVC or DCM, mammary cancer spread to lower lymph node and high BP controlled by amolodopine. Got her wings 2.20.14 at 6:20 pm after giving us 5 years, 4 months and 17 days of unconditional love

Maggie's story

Orange County, CA


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