
Restoring the Harbor

It's amazing what you can do with a metal cage and a bunch of oyster shells!
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Creating Harbor Habitats, One Biohut at a Time

It's amazing what you can do with a metal cage and a bunch of oyster shells! The National Aquarium—in partnership with Biohabitats, Inc. and ECOCEAN—launched its Biohut Pilot Project in June, installing eight Biohuts on the bulkheads of Baltimore's Inner Harbor. What in the world is a Biohut, you ask? It's a double cage system where one side is filled with oyster shells that attract rapid colonization by microorganisms, quickly creating a mini ecosystem right off the pier.

Learn More About Biohuts

Shark Week
Star-Spangled Spectacular at the Aquarium

On a scale of apple pie to Uncle Sam, the patriotism surrounding Baltimore's Star-Spangled Spectacular ranks higher than a bald eagle wearing an American flag and dancing to Willie Nelson while drinking a craft beer. That's off the charts, my friend. And we're joining in on the fun!

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Check Out Photos From Our First-Ever InstaMeet

Our Instagram community was out in full force Tuesday night for our first-ever InstaMeet! In celebration of Blacktip Reef's one-year anniversary, we invited 75 Instagrammers to privately explore and photograph the exhibit after hours.

Check Out the Photos

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