
Re: [boxer lovers] strange feeling


I don't remember where it was I read this but the article was saying that our dogs get a feeling of euphoria similar to the feeling humans get when they are in love, when seeing us for the first time after being separated for a time from us... like when we are gone and leave them at home or maybe like if they are not allowed in the room over night and then the first time they see you in the morning...  Another thing I read was that our pets are a part of our life....but we are their WHOLE life, from puppy to senior.   I makes a difference in how we feel about that exuberant greeting we get from them ... :O)

Alan and Annette Hake
and the animals we love,
on Menookhaw Mountain
Ravenden, Arkansas
On Saturday, May 10, 2014 4:58 AM, "Mary Rue [boxerlovers]" <> wrote:

Sent from my iPad

On Apr 28, 2014, at 2:36 PM, "Devon J [boxerlovers]" <> wrote:

They were delighted to be let in early and wanted to thank you. 
On Apr 28, 2014 11:22 AM, "no_j3" <> wrote:
They like to cuddle. My boy, soon to be 4, Fat Moe is not allowed on the furniture or my bed. When I'm laying on the couch he twists his body to lay it lengthwise on the couch right up against me and keeps his feet on the floor.  Yesterday I was feeling grumpy so I told him to get down. He looked at me,  sighed ( Im sure you all know that boxer sigh) and went and got in his crate. I called him. He came over and did the same thing, lengthwise on the couch. I rubbed his head for a minutes. He got down and laid on the floor and went to sleep. My 75 lb. lap dog.


-------- Original message --------
From: Ed Cifelli
Date:04/28/2014 12:23 AM (GMT-05:00)
Subject: [boxer lovers] strange feeling

Had a rather interesting thing happen this morning.. Wife is going in to work early which means she is getting up a lot earlier. We normally keep the bedroom door closed as there is not enough room for us and 2 boxers, aged 4.5 and 5. This morning she got up and about 5am opened the bedroom door. The girls came running into the room and jumped on the bed. This woke me up and the next thing I knew I was getting my face washed by the girls. But there was something else, I could feel an emotion of love coming from them. Many times the wife or I will sit with the girls and watch tv as the girls will try to be a lap dog. Don't know wha it was, but I could feel something.


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