
Re: [boxer lovers] strange feeling


Ed - you are so fortunate that you recognized that!!  It is a true feeling - and one that although you KNOW your dog loves you, you don't always connect enough to get a strong 'sensation' like that.  But there have been times I have been in AWE of that certain feeling - or rather SENSE of love flowing between them and me.  My cats affect me in that manner actually more often than my Boxer dogs but I believe that may be because cats do have a strong innate ability to let themselves be felt, heard and know.
It is a wonderful feeling and just makes me GLOW and feel so special when it happens.
WildThyme Boxers Facebook

On Sun, Apr 27, 2014 at 9:23 PM, Ed Cifelli <kc7mwp@gmail.com> wrote:

Had a rather interesting thing happen this morning.. Wife is going in to work early which means she is getting up a lot earlier. We normally keep the bedroom door closed as there is not enough room for us and 2 boxers, aged 4.5 and 5. This morning she got up and about 5am opened the bedroom door. The girls came running into the room and jumped on the bed. This woke me up and the next thing I knew I was getting my face washed by the girls. But there was something else, I could feel an emotion of love coming from them. Many times the wife or I will sit with the girls and watch tv as the girls will try to be a lap dog. Don't know wha it was, but I could feel something.


"  There is, incidentally, no way of talking about cats that enables one come off as a sane person."
Dan Greenburg

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