
Re: [boxer lovers] Pancreatitis


yes  my dogs can get an acute attack if they get to much fat like from pork or fat and skin from chicken . They had a very bad attack once when I fed pork from the U.S and I didn't know it was enhanced with sodium . (that is very bad) Purina is at the bottom of the barrel for kibble. Feed a no grain high kibble like Orijen or another good quality kibble if you must feed kibble. You don't need a special diet kibble from the vet . Just reduce the quantity to about 1- 2 ounces and do uit sloly. My cocker went to 32 pounds and I went from 8=9 ounces to 6 for a few months and then she went down to 24 pounds . I also gave her exercise like walking every day . sometimes 2 walks a day. They are like people, feed less , exercise more and don't feed crap like iams, purina or any thing like hills diet crap

On Saturday, March 8, 2014 9:57:07 AM, "" <> wrote:
Has anyone had experience with chronic attacks of pancreatitis. My very spoiled and loved 8 year old female boxer, Cornelia, has had several attacks.
We notice it when she will neither eat nor drink in the morning. Usually it clears up during the afternoon, but three times since November, we have taken her to the Vet. Once she was hospitalized. In each case her amylase values have been high.

At present we have her on a strict diet to lose weight and are using a Vet prescribed food (Purina OM). She is doing better. Any suggestions?

James Anderson
Berea, KY

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