Re: [boxer lovers] Feeding raw - questions


Thanks Lisa, I want to feed my dogs closer to their natural instincts, but avoid the problems while doing it.
I remember in the 60s before dog food became dried crap, our dogs all came running when they heard us open the cans. Now they don't even get up to eat the food until the end of the day, when they've given up on getting something better.
Thanks for details on how u do it.

On Mar 24, 2014 3:12 PM, "Lisa Wiser" <> wrote:

UNCOOKED bones generally don't split. You don't want to feed the large
leg bones because the act of walking for a large animal strengthen those
bones and makes them too hard (now, that said, Meg doesn't work to EAT
those bones, but she loves to gnaw -- not hard enough to hurt her teeth,
but I watch her). It's the heat acting on the protein in the bone that
changes it to hard and splintery. You can envision it by thinking about
how heat changes an egg from raw to cooked.

Next time you get a raw chicken leg, pull the bone out and try breaking
it. It will flex and bend, but now break and sliver like the cooked ones.


Devon J wrote:
> Getting into this late.... so you dont worry about bones splitting?
> On Mar 24, 2014 7:16 AM, "Anneli" <
> <>> wrote:
> well work slowly like some chicken in the morning and the kibble
> at night or the reverse. At first your dog may or may not get
> mucus in stools . After a few days make it all raw and no kibble.
> You will have less poop , not so smelly and the dog will drink
> much less water. There are no recipes for a raw diet . just lots
> of meat and little bone . 80% meat , 10% organs like kidney and
> liver . 10% bones. My dogs need some bones almost every day as the
> get runny stools. Remove fat and skin off chicken. Mine never get
> to much fat or ever really get the skin. In the wild the animals
> are lean not like on a farm where the pigs and chicken have lots
> of fat. Work with chicken for about 3 weeks and then add some
> pork. There is a raw feeding yahoo group that can help you. after
> you become a pro you can feed chicken, turkey. pork, beef, lamb.
> quail ,bison , venision , ect. what ever you have and is cheap.
> BUT MAKE sure the meat you buy from the grocery store is not
> sodium enhanced such as Butterbal turkeys. Most meat in the U.S
> is enhanced which will give very bad diarrhea and maybe vomit. TRY
> AN ARBOTOIR. I hold my meat for my dogs so they don't gulp or run
> around the house with it . I also feed my intact boxer separate
> from other dogs or there is fighting. Some people throw some meat
> outside and when they think the dog has had enough they take it
> away for tomorrow. I feed 3 times a day as boxers are prone to
> bloat and he gets 16.5 oz. for breakfast and then 8 oz. for lunch
> and then 8.5- 16oz. for dinner. And I walk them before feeding.
> You find what's best for you. It is work at first but once you get
> it down pack it's smooth sailing. I also have to hide my organ
> meat in meat or ground beef as mine spits it out . Not to much ,
> maybe 1 oz. a day so they don't get the squirts. Heart is not
> organ meat but can cause the squits too. Sometimes I give my dogs
> some apple or strawberries. Carrots they spit out and they don't
> need fruit or veggies either. I give enzymes sometimes and
> sometimes pet kelp or ground egg shells . And I always give fish
> oil capsules for dandruff and dry skin . My boxer spits it out so
> I have to hide them in meat for him too . Hope that helps to get
> you started.
> Anneli
> On Sunday, March 23, 2014 5:46:54 PM, Valerie I
> < <>> wrote:
> After many, my years of handling rescue/rehab/foster/placement, I
> had never considered a raw diet until we got our boxer and I
> joined this group and learned about raw feed. So - now I want to
> know more.. What to feed? How much to feed? How to be sure my
> babies get all the proper nutrients, etc. Recipes even would be
> great.
> Please teach me what I need to know so I can at least attempt to
> do this properly.
> Val
> Heidi (age 3)
> Gunther (age 1)
> " Love doesn't make the world go 'round. Love is what makes the
> ride worthwhile."
> /Franklin P. Jones/

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