
Re: [boxer lovers] BATH TIME!!!!


My dogs eat raw meat= not cooked  , no kibble only when in the kennel - beef roast , chicken . pork roast , fish

On Saturday, March 8, 2014 9:58:06 AM, Devon J <> wrote:
Anneli, sorry, what do you mean when you say raw?
On Mar 8, 2014 7:29 AM, "Anneli" <> wrote:
give fish oil capsules . helps with allergies and dry skin . Also feed a high end kibble with no carbs ect. and no chicken . An all grain beef, fish or lamb kibble . Could take up to 3 months after switching kibble. I feed raw so have no problems now. But fish oil is a must

On Friday, March 7, 2014 9:19:05 PM, Nana Charlton <> wrote:
I am home from work today, having my care fixed, and decided to give the boxer a bath day.
First was Gemini, she doesn't like her bath but once you get the front end in the rest follows.  She is the reason for the baths.  She is making me crazy for about 2 months.  Her itching is sometimes intense.  First vet said it was maybe some kind a female inflammation, gave her an antibiotic and another medication.   Didn't help.  Few weeks later took her back to the vets.  Another vet said it was an allergy, that is what I thought and I had been giving her Benadryl.  He gave her a cortisone shot.  Help for maybe a week.  This week she has been crazy again, bad.  She rubs herself so hard on the couch she made a sore spot.  I have been spraying her with anti itch spray, checking her daily for fleas, red spots or rashes, nothing.  The other 2, I check daily too just in case, they don't itch or have anything  So today they are all getting a bath with 2 kinds of shampoo, Sentry Natural Defense flea shampoo, just in case, then Pro-Sense Itch relief hydro-cortisone shampoo for what ever.
I had her anal gland checked at the very first, My groomer first found nothing, then by the vet who said it was clear,and no lumps or tumors or irritation  I am at wits end.  Hope this and the cold outside helps
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