
Re: [boxer lovers] Former Mayor Injured, Husband Killed By Family Dog


Agree totally with you.
My dogs were all mean when I was young,, too protective,, and when my St. Bernard ripped a guys face open, I decided from then on I would be the alpha. That's one of the biggest reasons I started my love affair with boxers, they can be onery and stubborn, (until they are convinced you are the alpha), but their intelligence about their power, their smarts about when to be protective and when not to, and the way they put their gums over their teeth when playing so they don't hurt you (not even mentioning their amazing love and loyalty), make them the perfect companion and family dog.

The article specifically said it was a boxer , but I wonder if it was a mix too.

On Dec 31, 2013 12:44 PM, "Jeanne" <> wrote:

Although this story is extremely tragic and very unsettling,
I am still a firm believer that there are no bad dogs - just people who are not responsible in the way they treat and train their dogs.  Dogs  of certain/most large breeds require firm but loving and responsible training and proper discipline - just as our children require proper discipline to grow up to be responsible adults.
Too many people appear to go beyond loving their dogs , to 'destroying' them by not teaching them properly for the specific breed.
I love our Dogs with a passion equal to a parent's love for a child (and yes, I am a mother, grandmother and great-grandmother) -- but along with that love, I also love them enough to teach them in a responsible manner, what is acceptable behaviour and what is not.
And if that 'shadowy figure' in the email is "the dog" - then it is NOT a Boxer - possibly a Boxer cross?  or perhaps NOT the dog that the article refers to???
WildThyme Boxers

On Mon, Dec 30, 2013 at 12:00 PM, no_j3 <> wrote:

Former Mayor Injured, Husband Killed By Family Dog -

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“If there are no dogs in Heaven, then when I die I want to go where they went.” 
― Will Rogers  

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