
Sharks, Sharks, Sharks!

Twenty new blacktip reef sharks added to exhibit. View Web Version
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They're Here! Blacktip Reef Sharks on Exhibit
Washington, DC Blacktip Reef Twenty Blacktip Reef Sharks Introduced to Their New Home
Twenty sleek, fast-moving blacktip reef sharks are now happily exploring their new home in Blacktip Reef! Just as they are critical to coral reef ecosystems in our oceans, these sharks are one of the final and most important pieces of our new exhibit, the most comprehensive re-creation of an Indo-Pacific coral reef in the country.
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Washington, DC CBS This Morning National Aquarium Featured on
CBS This Morning

Watch Jeff Glor's behind-the-scenes tour of Blacktip Reef. This video offers a fantastic look at the amount of work and artistry involved in creating our new exhibit.
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Shark Week Celebrate Shark Week!
Want to get the most out of Shark Week? Discovery and National Aquarium will host a Google Hangout on August 4 at 11 pm ET with the help of iJustine, Aquarium experts and Shark After Dark host, Josh Wolf. One lucky fin-atic who submits a question using the #SharkWeekHangout hashtag on Google+, Twitter or Facebook will be selected to help host the Hangout. Plus, see the blacktip reef sharks on our webcam, and check out what's trending on Instagram.
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Meet Our Keepers Meet Our Keepers
Our amazing keepers and aquarists are key to the health and happiness of our animals. Visit our blog to learn what they love about the Aquarium and what they have planned for our animals!
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National Aquarium is a nonprofit organization whose mission is to inspire conservation of the world's aquatic treasures.
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National Aquarium | 501 East Pratt Street | Baltimore, MD 21202 | United States
National Aquarium | 1401 Constitution Avenue, NW | Washington, DC 20230 | United States

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