
[boxer lovers] Re: what do you think


I have three boxers, all from rescue. My two males will eat grass when they have an upset tummy. It's kinda like humans taking a tums or two, ya know. My female eats grass constantly. From day 1. When she runs, she will all of a sudden stop dead in her tracks and chow down on a clump. That happens so fast, sometimes her back-end is still going. I've seen her tumble over from the momentum...LOL. Anyways, just wanted to let you know that your vet is right. Dogs eat grass for a variety of reasons. It really is a part of their diet, just like other animals, ie..horses, cows, goats, etc... I don't think you have anything to worry about, unless your pups are vomiting after eating the grass. Then that would indicate an upset tummy. If that happens often, you should talk to your vet. Otherwise, I believe your boxers are as normal as can be for the breed! LOL


--- In boxerlovers@yahoogroups.com, Nana Charlton <ncharl7704@...> wrote:
> The two boxers I got from the Apl, my pound puppies, Yukon and Gemini both 7 are grass eaters.  I can not get them to stop.  The have done it from day one.  A lot!  They used to say dogs ate grass when they were sick.  My vet said not true.  He said, "when you go out side on a nice morning and smell fresh grass don't you like the smell>  So do dogs but they eat it."  These two eat it all the time.  I think the vet wrong, but I can not figure it out.  The get two different kinds, some times 3.  They get canned food with 1/2 cup of dry in the morning, the canned I mix in their pills.  Their pills are their supplements.  I add a few veggie into theeir evening dry food, carrots or peas as a rule.  I can not figure what they need or why they do it.
> Anyone have any ideas?
> Nana
> books like children and dogs should be loved,
> Literature is my utopia,
> It is the beginning of the end of a society or family when they no longer take care of their young or their old
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