
Re: [boxer lovers] Anyone in Southern California that can help this lovely boxer girl?


Quick update on sweet Sabrina in the Downey high kill shelter since July 7th. I'm back without her because they said she finished the a/b's on the 28th and needs to have a vet either spay or waive her for it. She is not 16. Probably about 5 or 6 at the most. She has a lump on her head and another on her front paw that will need to be removed and probably sent out for cytology. Do they do in house blood work before a spay there? will they remove the lumps while she's under if they decide she needs to be spayed before release? I got to spend about 20 mins with her in the yard. The poor thing is just terrified. She had her natural tail tucked under and was shaking. After about 5 mins or so she finally started to relax and 5 mins after that she sat right next to me and gave me a tiny boxer kiss. I even saw a little tail wag! She broke away on the way back to the kennel and was running scared around the lot, but she ended up coming to me. I'll give you guys an update tomorrow, but I really need help with finding her a forever home. My awesome sister has offered to foster her for two weeks and my husband has so far said ok for a few days with us. I'm not sure if I need to board her yet or not, but if she is still sick, that's what I'll do until I can bring her here. I thought I took some video of her, but I don't see it on my phone now?

Boxer hugs and kisses,

Heather, mom to
Maggie/boxer/73 lbs/12 +yrs/ CKD, chronic pancreatitis, hypothyroidism, arthritis, arrhythmia controlled by sotalol, adult onset epilepsy, likely IBD and now a heart condition suspected to be ARVC or DCM
Gabby/boxer/71 lbs/18 mos/Major dietary indiscretions crazy puppy syndrome :)
Orange County, CA

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[boxer lovers] Re: what do you think


I have three boxers, all from rescue. My two males will eat grass when they have an upset tummy. It's kinda like humans taking a tums or two, ya know. My female eats grass constantly. From day 1. When she runs, she will all of a sudden stop dead in her tracks and chow down on a clump. That happens so fast, sometimes her back-end is still going. I've seen her tumble over from the momentum...LOL. Anyways, just wanted to let you know that your vet is right. Dogs eat grass for a variety of reasons. It really is a part of their diet, just like other animals, ie..horses, cows, goats, etc... I don't think you have anything to worry about, unless your pups are vomiting after eating the grass. Then that would indicate an upset tummy. If that happens often, you should talk to your vet. Otherwise, I believe your boxers are as normal as can be for the breed! LOL


--- In boxerlovers@yahoogroups.com, Nana Charlton <ncharl7704@...> wrote:
> The two boxers I got from the Apl, my pound puppies, Yukon and Gemini both 7 are grass eaters.  I can not get them to stop.  The have done it from day one.  A lot!  They used to say dogs ate grass when they were sick.  My vet said not true.  He said, "when you go out side on a nice morning and smell fresh grass don't you like the smell>  So do dogs but they eat it."  These two eat it all the time.  I think the vet wrong, but I can not figure it out.  The get two different kinds, some times 3.  They get canned food with 1/2 cup of dry in the morning, the canned I mix in their pills.  Their pills are their supplements.  I add a few veggie into theeir evening dry food, carrots or peas as a rule.  I can not figure what they need or why they do it.
> Anyone have any ideas?
> Nana
> books like children and dogs should be loved,
> Literature is my utopia,
> It is the beginning of the end of a society or family when they no longer take care of their young or their old
> [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

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RE: [boxer lovers] Anyone in Southern California that can help this lovely boxer girl?


I know. all of us would do anything to have our babies with us as long as
possible, so it's just unfathomable that someone would decide their dog is
"too old" and heartlessly dump them at a high kill shelter. I want to hunt
them down and wring their necks! I'm sure she got the kennel cough at the
shelter. Jerks! Anyway, I had a thought last night, which was that I could
board her at my vet while she continues the respiratory infection treatment.
I just can't foster her long term once she's no longer contagious. My
husband is already being a gem by telling me to get her and that she could
stay with us a for a few days.

Thank you for the pledge. I'll let you know if I can pull this together. I
need rescue to commit to helping me with adoption and/or longer term foster.

Boxer hugs and kisses,

Heather, mom to
Maggie/boxer/73 lbs/12 +yrs/ CKD, chronic pancreatitis, hypothyroidism,
arthritis, arrhythmia controlled by sotalol, adult onset epilepsy, likely
IBD and now a heart condition suspected to be ARVC or DCM
Gabby/boxer/70 lbs/18 mos/Major dietary indiscretions crazy puppy syndrome
Orange County, CA
K9K Moderator

Poor Sabrina! :-(((

How is it possible to leave a boxer... I would give everything to get back
my beloved Kelly for just five minutes...

I am pledging $20 to her, PM me for detail.


> https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=10101019871007427

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Recent Activity:


[boxer lovers] Specialty Judge: Midwest Boxer Club


The Judge(s) have been announced for:
Midwest Boxer Club (S/SWPC) [Event 2014049102]
On: Fri 4/11/2014 In: New Lenox, IL At: Main Building - Fred Francis 4-H Field
Superintendent: Mr. Bob Lindauer, Event Secretary

Boxer Judge = Mr. Tim Hutchings (15038)
To view ratings and notes on this judge, click here: http://showdays.info/judgpubv.php?jid=15038
Boxer - Sweep Puppy: Judge = John J. Cormack


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[boxer lovers] Specialty Judge: Midwest Boxer Club


The Judge(s) have been announced for:
Midwest Boxer Club (S) [Event 2014049101]
On: Thu 4/10/2014 In: New Lenox, IL At: Main Building - Fred Francis 4-H Field
Superintendent: Mr. Bob Lindauer, Event Secretary

Boxer Judge = Mrs. Roberta (Bert) Rettick (82284)
To view ratings and notes on this judge, click here: http://showdays.info/judgpubv.php?jid=82284


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[boxer lovers] Re: what do you think


--- In boxerlovers@yahoogroups.com, Nana Charlton <ncharl7704@...> wrote:
> The two boxers I got from the Apl, my pound puppies, Yukon and Gemini both 7 are grass eaters.  I can not get them to stop.  The have done it from day one.  A lot!  They used to say dogs ate grass when they were sick.  My vet said not true.  He said, "when you go out side on a nice morning and smell fresh grass don't you like the smell>  So do dogs but they eat it."  These two eat it all the time.  I think the vet wrong, but I can not figure it out.  The get two different kinds, some times 3.  They get canned food with 1/2 cup of dry in the morning, the canned I mix in their pills.  Their pills are their supplements.  I add a few veggie into theeir evening dry food, carrots or peas as a rule.  I can not figure what they need or why they do it.
> Anyone have any ideas?
> Nana
> books like children and dogs should be loved,
> Literature is my utopia,
> It is the beginning of the end of a society or family when they no longer take care of their young or their old
> [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
I would try a Grain Free kibble,take a week for the transition.

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Re: [boxer lovers] Anyone in Southern California that can help this lovely boxer girl?


Poor Sabrina! :-(((

How is it possible to leave a boxer... I would give everything to get back
my beloved Kelly for just five minutes...

I am pledging $20 to her, PM me for detail.


On Wed, Jul 31, 2013 at 3:59 AM, maggiesmom2012 <
heather.jones.mccaffrey@gmail.com> wrote:

> I've been following Sabrina for two weeks now and so far she has $225 in
> pledges, but has yet to be rescued. She is past her due to euthanize date
> and the shelter is keeping her day by day because she is highly adoptable.
> Her owners cruelly abandoned her saying "she's too old." I can't even
> foster her because she has a respiratory infection, which is too risky with
> my senior. They are treating it, but she's still contagious. I'm in tears
> over this sweet girl :(
> https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=10101019871007427&set=a.647157614097.2190314.30610527&type=1&theater¬if_t=photo_reply
> Boxer hugs and kisses,
> Heather, mom to
> Maggie/boxer/73 lbs/12 +yrs/ CKD, chronic pancreatitis, hypothyroidism,
> arthritis, arrhythmia controlled by sotalol, adult onset epilepsy, likely
> IBD and now a heart condition suspected to be ARVC or DCM
> &
> Gabby/boxer/71 lbs/18 mos/Major dietary indiscretions crazy puppy syndrome
> :)
> Orange County, CA
> ------------------------------------
> Yahoo! Groups Links

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Re: [boxer lovers] what do you think


My cockers eat grass and so does my boxer . The boxer even eats big chunks of cut dead grass - ick . They don't all the time but my dogs eat raw with supplements . I think mine eat grass when their tummy is upset mostly .The cockers are like goats on the grass. Has to be very nice and green .


From: Nana Charlton <ncharl7704@sbcglobal.net>
To: boxer lovers <boxerlovers@yahoogroups.com>
Sent: Monday, July 29, 2013 11:40:00 PM
Subject: [boxer lovers] what do you think


The two boxers I got from the Apl, my pound puppies, Yukon and Gemini both 7 are grass eaters.  I can not get them to stop.  The have done it from day one.  A lot!  They used to say dogs ate grass when they were sick.  My vet said not true.  He said, "when you go out side on a nice morning and smell fresh grass don't you like the smell>  So do dogs but they eat it."  These two eat it all the time.  I think the vet wrong, but I can not figure it out.  The get two different kinds, some times 3.  They get canned food with 1/2 cup of dry in the morning, the canned I mix in their pills.  Their pills are their supplements.  I add a few veggie into theeir evening dry food, carrots or peas as a rule.  I can not figure what they need or why they do it.
Anyone have any ideas?

books like children and dogs should be loved,
Literature is my utopia,
It is the beginning of the end of a society or family when they no longer take care of their young or their old

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Recent Activity:


[boxer lovers] Anyone in Southern California that can help this lovely boxer girl?


I've been following Sabrina for two weeks now and so far she has $225 in pledges, but has yet to be rescued. She is past her due to euthanize date and the shelter is keeping her day by day because she is highly adoptable. Her owners cruelly abandoned her saying "she's too old." I can't even foster her because she has a respiratory infection, which is too risky with my senior. They are treating it, but she's still contagious. I'm in tears over this sweet girl :(


Boxer hugs and kisses,

Heather, mom to
Maggie/boxer/73 lbs/12 +yrs/ CKD, chronic pancreatitis, hypothyroidism, arthritis, arrhythmia controlled by sotalol, adult onset epilepsy, likely IBD and now a heart condition suspected to be ARVC or DCM
Gabby/boxer/71 lbs/18 mos/Major dietary indiscretions crazy puppy syndrome :)
Orange County, CA

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Recent Activity:


[boxer lovers] Specialty Show: Midwest Boxer Club on 4/10/2014


A new Specialty Show has been scheduled for your breed. [# 2014049101]
Midwest Boxer Club (S) on Thursday 4/10/2014
Show Site: Main Building - Fred Francis 4-H Field
City: New Lenox, IL
Superintendent: Mr. Bob Lindauer, Event Secretary

AKC Link: http://www.akc.org/events/search/index_results.cfm?action=plan&event_number=2014049101&cde_comp_type=&NEW_END_DATE1=&cde_comp_group=CONF
Infodog Link: Not yet listed.

Best of Luck should you decide to attend,

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Recent Activity:


[boxer lovers] Specialty Show: Midwest Boxer Club on 4/11/2014


A new Specialty Show has been scheduled for your breed. [# 2014049102]
Midwest Boxer Club (S/SWPC) on Friday 4/11/2014
Show Site: Main Building - Fred Francis 4-H Field
City: New Lenox, IL
Superintendent: Mr. Bob Lindauer, Event Secretary

AKC Link: http://www.akc.org/events/search/index_results.cfm?action=plan&event_number=2014049102&cde_comp_type=&NEW_END_DATE1=&cde_comp_group=CONF
Infodog Link: Not yet listed.

Best of Luck should you decide to attend,

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Recent Activity:


[boxer lovers] Specialty Show: Oregon Boxer Club on 10/22/2014


A new Specialty Show has been scheduled for your breed. [# 2014110901]
Oregon Boxer Club (S/JSHW/SWPC) on Wednesday 10/22/2014
Show Site: Red Lion At The Quay
City: Vancouver, WA
Superintendent: BaRay Event Services, Inc.

AKC Link: http://www.akc.org/events/search/index_results.cfm?action=plan&event_number=2014110901&cde_comp_type=&NEW_END_DATE1=&cde_comp_group=CONF
Infodog Link: Not yet listed.

Best of Luck should you decide to attend,

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Recent Activity:


[boxer lovers] Specialty Show: Oregon Boxer Club on 10/23/2014


A new Specialty Show has been scheduled for your breed. [# 2014110903]
Oregon Boxer Club (S/JSHW/SWPC) on Thursday 10/23/2014
Show Site: Red Lion At The Quay
City: Vancouver, WA
Superintendent: BaRay Event Services, Inc.

AKC Link: http://www.akc.org/events/search/index_results.cfm?action=plan&event_number=2014110903&cde_comp_type=&NEW_END_DATE1=&cde_comp_group=CONF
Infodog Link: Not yet listed.

Best of Luck should you decide to attend,

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Recent Activity:


[boxer lovers] Specialty Show: Boxer Club of Arizona on 2/27/2014


A new Specialty Show has been scheduled for your breed. [# 2014052302]
Boxer Club of Arizona (S/SWPC) on Thursday 2/27/2014
Show Site: Scottsdale Westworld
City: Scottsdale, AZ
Superintendent: Cheryl Cazier, Event Secretary

AKC Link: http://www.akc.org/events/search/index_results.cfm?action=plan&event_number=2014052302&cde_comp_type=&NEW_END_DATE1=&cde_comp_group=CONF
Infodog Link: Not yet listed.

Best of Luck should you decide to attend,

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