
Our Experts: A Behind the Scenes Look

It isn't just animals that make us who we are. Our incredible staff behind the scenes has amazing stories to tell. View Web Version
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Meet Our Experts
Baltimore Blacktip Reef Get to Know the People Who
Help the Aquarium Thrive

It isn't just our 16,000 animals that make us who we are! Our on-staff experts are key to not only our day-to-day operations, but also to our successes outside our aquarium walls as we work to inspire conservation of the world's aquatic treasures.
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Fort McHenry Nassawango Creek Preserve
White Cedar Restoration

Saturday, April 13, 10 AM - 2 PM
Now's your chance to help save a globally threatened ecosystem! Join the Aquarium Conservation Team (ACT!) and plant Atlantic white cedar seedlings at Nassawango Creek Preserve in Snow Hill, MD. This tree species is considered rare in the state of Maryland.
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Washington Community Art Night National Cherry Blossom Festival
and Asian-Pacific Heritage Celebration

There's lots blooming in DC! We're located just blocks from the blossoms, so you can visit the festival at any time and take advantage of our special extended hours. Plus, on Saturday, April 6 from 12-4 pm, learn to make origami and experience Asian-Pacific-inspired art, music, dance, and literature during our Asian-Pacific Heritage Celebration.
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Baltimore The Wizard of Oz The Orioles Return to Camden Yards
After reaching the playoffs last season, the Orioles are ready for another fantastic year. What better way to celebrate the start of baseball season than with a visit to the Aquarium, followed by a walk over to Camden Yards to watch the O's? The team will take on the Twins on April 6 and 7 at home. Be there!
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National Aquarium is a nonprofit organization whose mission is to inspire conservation of the world's aquatic treasures.
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National Aquarium | 1401 Constitution Avenue, NW | Washington, DC 20230 | United States
National Aquarium | 501 East Pratt Street | Baltimore, MD 21202 | United States

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