
[boxer lovers] Vote for the Boxer tomorrow. Polls open from 8:30 AM to 3:00 PM EST!!


This is the final two! Boxers vs GSD's. Let's show them who has the
most energy! Please corsspost and share with all of your
friends. Vote first thing tomorrow, Friday. See below.

>From: AKC Communications [mailto:AKCCommunications@akc.org]
>Sent: Thursday, April 11, 2013 2:54 PM
>To: AKC Communications
>Subject: Vote the Boxer to Win the AKC's Final Fido 4!
>With your support, the Boxer has made it to the final match-up of
>the American Kennel Club's Final Fido 4! Tomorrow, April 12th, they
>take on the German Shepherd Dogs for the chance to be named
>Slobbering16 Champion!
>Get your Boxer club members and friends ready! We encourage you to
>stop by the AKC's Facebook page on Friday
>atwww.facebook.com/americankennelclub and vote Boxer! Polls open at
>8:30 am EST on 4/12 and close at 3:00 pm EST.
>Thanks for all of your participation!
>Stephanie Smith
>Club Communications Manager
>260 Madison Avenue, New York, NY 10016
>t: 212-696-8228 | c: 212-696-8345 | e: sxs2@akc.org
>Visit our website: www.akc.org
>Follow us on: Facebook and Twitter

"Rescue Boxers are Adoptable Love"
2013 GOBR Boxer Calendar with 140 great Boxer pictures.
View cover at <http://www.goboxerrescue.com/>http://www.goboxerrescue.com
$15 + $3.50 S&H Mail check or money order to
GOBR, P.O. Box 621, Dayton, OH 45405

Rachel Osborn <mailto:boxers@ameritech.net>boxers@ameritech.net
Director, <http://www.goboxerrescue.com/>GO Boxer Rescue, Inc. (GOBR)
<http://www.boxerrescuefoundation.com/>Boxer Rescue Foundation
Owner/Admin Boxer Rescue List
Phone: 937-277-4652
P.O. Box 621, Dayton, OH 45405
Willie B, Guide Dog for blind/visually impaired, DOB: 4 Dec '05,
n/m/w Boxer
Bogie, 22 Dec 08, m/w Boxer
Tanker (forever in our hearts), Guide Dog for blind/visually
impaired, CGC, Delta, TDI, n/m/w Boxer
21 April '99 - 22 May '06 (Rainbow Bridge by Lymphoma - WAY, WAY TOO YOUNG!)
Toni, 7 March '01 - 3 May '09

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