
[boxer lovers] Athens, OH - Purebred Boxer - LAST chance for 'Max" ~Gorgeous Boy!!


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-------- Original Message -------- ****

*Subject: *

Max - purebred boxer - LAST chance****

*Date: *

Sun, 27 Jan 2013 17:19:51 -0500****

*From: *

Hartman, Sara <hartmans@ohio.edu> <hartmans@ohio.edu>****

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*Hello All,*

* *

*We have a 2 year old purebred boxer named Max with a sad story who
needs help. Please read his story below and let me know if you would
consider helping him. His picture is attached. Thank you!*

* *

*Max is a sweet, friendly black and white boxer who is living on
borrowed time. He arrived at the shelter and was immediately
quarantined in the back room (a place for dogs that will likely be
euthanized). We found a chip in him and after extensive searching
discovered that his owner is a woman who is in jail for drug use. She
also has children who were removed from her custody. We do not know
who surrendered Max to the shelter, but we are certain that his living
situation has likely been awful. When he was surrendered, the wardens
were told a vague story about him biting a child, though there is no
bite report filed and no actual proof that it happened. We would
really like to see Max have another chance at a good life. Here is
what volunteers have observed in working with him:*

* *

*He has not shown any sort of aggression towards any FOSD volunteers
when inside or outside of his kennel.*

* *

*He has the typical wiggly boxer body language. Friendly, happy,
excited to see us.*

* *

*He allowed a FOSD volunteer to easily take him out of the kennel
after being in there for almost 3 weeks.*

* *

*He let us handle him all over with no issues at all.*

* *

*He responds well to both male and females.*

* *

*He will sit and shake when asked.*

* *

*He takes treats nicely from your fingers*

* *

*He has gotten along with both a male and female dog in the shelter.*

* *

*He is a beautiful dog with the unusual black & white coat, although
he is very skinny right now.*

* *

*He is neutered.*

* *

*Max will be the first to be euthanized when the shelter becomes full.
We ask that he go to an experienced rescue or foster since his
history is unknown. Given the story they were told when he arrived,
the wardens have deemed him available to rescues only, so that a
rescue can screen a potential adopter. The shelter does not screen
adopters. If the wardens truly thought he was a danger to people, I
have absolutely NO doubt whatsoever that he would have been euthanized

* *

*Please let me know if you can help Max.*

* *

*Thank you!!*

* *


*Friends of the Shelter Dogs*

*Athens, OH*

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-- ****

Crystal Hartman
Mom to Mocha, Chloe, Isabelle, Sasha, Patrick, Patches, and Sam
Hickory, NC****

If you're thinking of re-homing or giving up your animal, please take into**

consideration the amount of homeless and abandoned animals there****

currently are & seek out ways to get help via an animal****

trainer/behaviorist. Many rescues & shelters are full to capacity with****

companion animals looking for a place to call their own.****

Crystal Hartman
Owned by Mocha, Chloe, Isabelle, Sasha, Patrick, Patches, and Sam ****


Thank you very much – Networking saves lives!
Please contact the shelter or the person(s) listed below
Please do not hit "reply".


"1.25 million pit bulls are killed per year. Therefore, it is at least a
half million times more likely that a pit bull will be killed by a human
than the other way around." ~ Pet a Pit Bull (factoid)


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