
Re: Where is everyone? [3 Attachments]

[Attachment(s) from TeaKakes included below]

OH my goodness I went to their websites, they are such a beautiful little family.  I love the red smoothies, having 2 myself and a red dapple that is a former puppy mill dog. 

I got Joey and Hannah from the same breeder and they are brother and sister. 

I have posted pics below...

1st pic is Joey he turned 3 on March 12th
2nd pic is Hannah, she is 2, will turn 3 on Oct 7th
3rd pic is Taffy she is estimated to be 4 years old

Dachshunds are like potato chips, you can't have just one.

~~Author Unknown~~

"Don't breed or buy, when shelter dogs die"

~~Author Unknown~~



On Mon, Jul 2, 2012 at 7:36 PM, Bill Lane AKA Pickles, Shelby's & Rosie's Papa <bill@southjerseydachshundclub.com> wrote:

I don't want to sound mean but – where is everyone? Last month there were TEN posts! There is probably some impact from Facebook – which I do not use, but not to this extent


In May 2006 there was 6200+ posts! Yes that is 6 years ago but is still a massive decrease.  I own Yahoo other groups and understand that all memberships are not still live but one has to think that there are 2000 people still getting whatever emails there are sent . I run an email list for my South Jersey Dachshund Club and average 5+ posts a week – a lot more if there is an event coming up. There are 90 people in the membership.


I say the same thing at times on my list but – where are the happy stories and funny photos? Why is this group all but dead? I stop in here a few times a week and – nothing.


Warning – the following may not be popular with some members but…. From my perspective this could be a contributing factor to the groups decreased activity.


Please believe me when I say I am NOT criticizing Rescue or trying to offend anyone in ANY way. For those that are involved in Rescue, you are doing something that I just do not have the emotional capacity to handle. You are absolutely a much stronger and better person than I am.


There were times I would stop in here looking for my Doxie funny photo fix and have a laugh. But the list was completely dominated with Rescue posts forwarded many times. There was no balance of "light and happy" and Rescue posts. Again I understand the reason for it, but the chance of you catching anyone wanting a Doxie at that second is pretty slim. If someone wants a Doxie they usually seek out and get it. We now have 3 Doxies and are FULL – hopefully with a long time of healthy happy doggies.


Balance is good. Reboot and move on. I will show you some of my funny photos if you show me yours.




Thank You

Bill Lane

AKA Pickles', Shelby's and Rosie's Papa




For Fun and Friendship of Dachshunds and the People They Own


Picasa http://picasaweb.google.com/SouthJerseyDachshundClub


YouTube  http://www.youtube.com/user/SouthJerseyDachshund


See Pickles page here

See Shelby's page  here

See Rosie's page here


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Attachment(s) from TeaKakes

1 of 1 Photo(s)

2 of 2 File(s)

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