
Re: Re: Bald ears - scaly edges


Be very careful about using bacon fat on your dog's food. When I was a teenager we had a red standard female; my mother used to put bacon fat on her food "to make her coat shiny". She eventually developed pancreatitis and sadly died. The vet told me that the bacon fat was a contributing factor to the pancreatitis.

There is an aloe-based cream I use on my horse when he loses some hair due to an abrasion or other skin condition. It's called "Horseman's Dream". I would try that on your dachsie's ears. It encourages hair growth and soothes the skin.

Nancy Kaminski 

On Sat, Jul 28, 2012 at 12:57 PM, mjdidit or Diamondgirl <Diamondgirl_56@hotmail.com> wrote:

      Richard my doxie's ears did that also. his was just one little patch on each ear. I was worried about it and a friend of  mine that use to train dogs and show dogs. Told me it will grow back give it time.  Well it is now slowly growing back in.  I didn't  think it was going to grow back in.  She also told me that doxies are well known for dry skin.  She told me next time I fry bacon to take a little bit (tsp. or two) and put it on his food. I have a red and white piebald named Rudy.

--- In Dachsie_World@yahoogroups.com, "RichardL" <merliniac@...> wrote:
> We have an indoor kept black haired Mini (10.5 lbs) male that was beautiful and then as he approached 1 year old there was some thining of hair on the ears. The edges of his ears became rough and about 50-60% of the hair on his ears is now gone at 1.5 years old. This does not appear to be just baldness - we see that thinning on the tummy underside.
> The ears appear to be a skin problem or allergy problem. We have seen 2 vets and a dog dematologist with no results. The dog was tested for every conceivable mite or infection and had skin scrappings examined.
> He is not in any noticeable discomfort or scratching the ears. The beautiful coat is almost gone on the ears.
> Could this be a protein issue? Blue Buffalo is the food.
> Any ideas?
> Richard in Riverside

Nancy Kaminski

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