
Re: [boxer lovers] Cyst between toes


Please make sure it's not a mast cell tumor before doing anything to it.

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On Jul 31, 2012, at 11:59 AM, "Beth Bowling" <bodad@lavabit.com> wrote:

> My boxer has had a cyst between her toes at least three times.once before I
> adopted her. She is about six years old. There seems to be a lot of
> different information out there.I have read many articles on the web. My
> vet put her on Prednisone and antibiotics and that took care of it..but it
> was expensive!
> I have read on the web and been told by a friend to use Listerine poured on
> her foot..to dust it with corn starch, and to soak it in Epson salts..I am
> not sure how we would accomplish this LOL.
> I would appreciate information about any experience some of you have had
> with this problem..and "home remedy" that might help.
> Beth
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