
Re: [boxer lovers] Training Boxer to Walk on a Leash


I use a 6' leather lead with a "slip" collar (some call it a "choke chain" but that's only if it isn't used properly). Collar should be put in so that when you look straight on, the collar is a P, Dog on your left, the ring hooked to the lead should be the stick of the P. You want that to slip easily.

Your corrections should be light pulls with immediate releases. You're not trying to punish, just correct.

Start off on your left foot ... That's the cue you want to teach. Say Heel and step off. If your dog lurches ahead, quick corrections until she comes back. Great trick I learned. If you can't get that quiet cue to work make a sharp right turn, GENTLE bit firm snap on the collar so the dog gets the point you've moved. Praise your dog as soon as they are in place. Your dog thinks SHE'S made the lead snap ... Not you. Keep making those turns until she learns where to walk. She'll want to keep you in view so SHE doesn't make the goof.

Patience and consistency are the important things.

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-----Original Message-----
From: "Beth Bowling" <bodad@lavabit.com>
Sender: boxerlovers@yahoogroups.com
Date: Mon, 30 Apr 2012 19:54:19
To: <boxerlovers@yahoogroups.com>
Reply-To: boxerlovers@yahoogroups.com
Subject: [boxer lovers] Training Boxer to Walk on a Leash

I have a wonderful Boxer girl I got from a rescue group.she is about six
years old, and we know nothing about her background. She was found on the
street. I would like to train her to walk beside me, and also to come, sit,
stay.just so I can keep her safe when I do have to take her on a leash. She
does pull rather hard when I put on her harness ( A Sporn Non-Pulling Mesh
Control Harness) and go outside our large fence yard. In our yard she
does seem to respond to "sit" at times..but will not stay if I walk away
from her.

Several years ago, someone dumped a Boxer in my neighborhood.. He had been
very badly abused, but he eventually became my beloved companion. He had
been well trained, and it was such a delight to have him walk nicely on a
leash when we had to go to the vet..he really enjoyed going! I hope that I
can at least teach/train this girl to walk on a leash and not pull this old
lady down!

I would appreciate any suggestions as to the best kind of collar or harness
to use, and any tips on training. I have done a lot of searching on the
web, and that can be a bit confusing..so would appreciate some firsthand

I do enjoy reading all your posts.


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