
Re: [boxer lovers] to breed or not to breed


Having a litter is a very time consuming and takes commitment...from before you breed your female...to the time involved being there for her when she whelps...no telling what time of the day or night that is....to helping her with her puppies if needed and boxers are notorious for needing supplemental feeding for their pups...  to getting the paper work done and ready for prospective buyers... then advertising your pups to be able to sell them...
It is a lot of work...and not something to go into lightly...  
Alan and Annette Hake
and the animals we love,
on Menookhaw Mountain
Ravenden, Arkansas

From: jmm <marston61@yahoo.com>
To: boxerlovers@yahoogroups.com
Sent: Monday, April 30, 2012 12:26 PM
Subject: [boxer lovers] to breed or not to breed

hi all,

i have a new boxer puppy girl (9 weeks old now) - and my son suggested i breed her at least once (he has a boxer) - that it will make her more loyal/protective

i am undecided - i plan to get her fixed in July/August - so, unless i am convinced it will be better to breed her one time, i plan to continue to get her fixed - personally, i am still leaning towards spaying - i know that boxer puppies are very valuable, but i work full time and don't have the time to deal with breeding

i would appreciate any comments/opinions before i make my final decision

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