Re: joint supplements


I wanted to "second" this great post! 
In addition to Co-sequin, or a similar brand, I have always fed my dog all the cooked chicken cartilage when I prepare poultry. 
Also, I really want to stress that regular exercises.....meaning daily walks for a dachshund..... develop great back muscles which greatly aid in warding off spinal problems.  My doxie is now 15 and we still walk every day (weather permitting) and the vet always remarks on how muscular he is and shows me just how this supports his back.   I know there are doxie owners who can't exercise their dog, and they get very upset with my exercise requests, but it's simply the best thing you can do for your dog's health.  And by the way, doxies LOVE walks!!  :)

--- On Sat, 2/25/12, Nancy Kaminski <> wrote:

From: Nancy Kaminski <>
Subject: Re: <Dachsie World> joint supplements
Date: Saturday, February 25, 2012, 7:43 PM

I gave my elderly dachsie Cosequin to ease any arthritic joints she might have had. In fact, I gave it to my horse as well! It works quite well for joint pain. It's like you taking glucosamine/condroitin if you have achy joints.

It is not meant to prevent back problems. Back problems come about through injury or a weak back, and supplements cannot prevent that. Careful management of your dachsie (no jumping off the sofa!) and making sure he or she is slim and well-exercised goes a much longer way in helping to prevent back injuries.

Nancy Kaminski 

On Fri, Feb 24, 2012 at 6:25 PM, Susan Huffaker <> wrote:

Does anyone give their Doxie's Dasuquin, Cosequin or Glucosamine?

I was just wondering if any of those help prevent back problems?




Nancy Kaminski

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