|  |   |  BREAKING NEWS: New investigation footage from Indonesia that aired on national TV last night has the live export industry scrambling. Your voice is needed now! |  |  | |  |      |  Once again Animals Australia has been forced to be the watchdog for Australia's live export trade.  Dear luciano,
Many Australians are still understandably haunted by the images captured by Animals Australia investigators of Australian cattle being brutalised in Indonesian abattoirs. Shock and disbelief accompanied the Gillard government's decision to reopen the trade to Indonesia. Few Australians were comforted by promises of a new system that would 'assure' the protection of Australian cattle. New footage from Indonesia that aired on ABC television last night has revealed our fears were well-founded. An Indonesian investigator engaged by Animals Australia documented the treatment of cattle in slaughterhouses over three nights and revealed that the brutal treatment of cattle continues unabated. This industry was given a second chance when it deserved none. Click here to tell the Australian Government that enough is enough: live animal export must end. Thank you for lending your voice once again to the victims of this indefensible trade.  | | For the animals,  Lyn White Campaign Director |  P.S. Having witnessed first hand the terror experienced by animals exported live from Australia, my solemn promise to them is that their suffering will not be in vain. The biggest threat to this abominable trade is exposure. Simply by sharing this video and signing this letter, you can help bring us an important step closer to a kinder future, free from live animal export. Take Action | Donate | Facebook | Twitter  |  | |   |  | 37 O'Connell St, North Melbourne Victoria 3051, Australia |  | You have received this alert because turlbombeiro@gmail.com is subscribed to receive Animals Australia e-updates. To unsubscribe, please click here. |  | |
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