[boxer lovers] Re: Chronic ear scratching


Hello and thank you for responding, we're doing that now and our girl still get the itchy ears
--- In boxerlovers@yahoogroups.com, "Jegaiars" <Jegaiars@...> wrote:
> My Boxer, Hogan (RIP) always had ear infections. One of the ways I nipped the problem in the bud was simply by buying the over the counter ear cleaning solution you can get at any pet supply store and cleaining his ears once or twice a week. Once I started doing that, the number of ear infections almost disappeared.
> --- In boxerlovers@yahoogroups.com, "r.mcmahon10" <r.mcmahon10@> wrote:
> >
> > Hello all
> > Looking for a some advice.
> > We have 2 boxers, f that's going to be four yrs old and a m that's going to be 8mo.
> > My f itchy ears and I'm always catching her scratching them. I had a m who was taken too soon from brain cancer, but he to scratched his ears. When we took him to the vet he prescribed ear drops. He passed away months later as the cancer had advanced. Anyway it got to a point my f developed scabbs on the tips of her ears. So we did some research and found dogs can develop skin allergies from the garbage that's put in dog food, so we switched their food from Dog Chow to Natural balance limited ingredients. Well I must say that her scabs on her ears went away immediately and the scratching also slowed but in the later in the afternoon and through out the night she is still scratching just not as much. We even switched there treats to natural balance.
> > Does anyone know what we could do to help her w/o having to go to the vet and getting antibiotic ear drops given, we would greatly appreciate any help.
> > Thank you
> > Ryan and Vanessa
> >

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