
Re: [boxer lovers] Re: Twinkle Toes


There's a website called


Its main thrust is horses but they have patterns for dog coats. I've bought patterns from there and been happy with them.


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-----Original Message-----
From: Beah Robinson <>
Date: Sat, 26 Nov 2011 13:33:33
To: <>
Subject: [boxer lovers] Re: Twinkle Toes

Hi Everyone
Ha! I have been ill and very busy caring for my boxer gurl, so I am late
to these emails. When I saw the title, Twinkle Toes, I thought the
author was referring to the boxer thing about loving to dance--my Cho is
always up on her hind legs dancing in circles for excitement when we go
for a walk down the way out here in the redwood forest.

I have a rescue boxer--Cho. I have had her almost 1 year. She is just 6.
I got her a rain coat--I live in the redwood forest where it is damp and
cold from Halloween until about Easter.

Last year I noticed that she often shivers when we are in the car
(can't leave her home alone much)
and when I am outside with friends. I had to alter this raincoat to fit
her but I did it gladly to get her out to pee after her surgery. She's
54 lbs, and I could not carry her out. She only needed go down 3 steps
and about 6 feet to do her business.
I decided sweaters and little velco adjusted horse blankety things were
the way to go.
So I am learning to make them. If anybody has made such things and has
a pattern, please let me know.
She even shivered in the house the first few days after her spay. I kept
covering her with her blankets.

I have had Shepherds and Akita mixes in the past--and I gotta say Cho is
the most girly and vulnerable of the

I had her spayed last Monday--and it was such a scene-she shook and
shivered all the way home.
She couldn't walk and resisted being picked up--to get her out of the
car and into the house. She had never had pups and I am not living in a
place where puppies are possible. I also thought 6 was a bit late to
start with pups.

Then there was whining and weaving around--I went thru a local program
for rescue dogs to be spayed for free.
Local spay here is $300. Long story short--I had to drive her 1 1/2
hours one way to be spayed--and then home.
They gave her no pain pills-and she was obviously in serious pain for
several days. She called out in pain several times. So if anyone has
to go thru a low income spay program to have your boxer spayed, I
strongly urge you to get a hold of a vet and get some pain
medication--like a liquid that can given via syringe--ahead of time.
I had one work shift the day after her spay, and had the friend who
helped me take her to be spayed come and sit with her while I was gone.
She sure is much more vulnerable than she looks. Poor dear, she did try
to follow me out the door to go to work even though I had had to walk
with her into the yard to get her to go out and go pee/poo.

Cho just couldn't stay warm. So I put the rain coat on her--as it is
padded--and she loved it--didn't want it off--probably because she was
warmer--warm is big--
and now she will go out to pee.
( (Wish I had thought of that with our family Akita mix, as she did the
pee and poo in the back bedroom (extra room) when it was wet and cold
outside once she was about 8 years old.)

Cheers to you and your dog families!

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

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