[boxer lovers] Re: Poop eating!


Thank you for all the suggestions. My husband and I take her to a petstore for training and I mentioned my problem to one of the girls. She suggested Tabasco sauce and I remember my vet saying that too. So, my hubby and I went to the grocery store, waited for Bella to do her business and then poured a teaspoon on. Guess what?? SHE STILL TRIED TO EAT IT!!!!! If that doesn't work, i'm not sure anything will. I have been good about being out there and waiting for her to go and then I pick it up and that seems to be the only effective thing that's working. I really hope she grows out of this!

--- In boxerlovers@yahoogroups.com, "redwingster" <redwingster@...> wrote:
> We've had some success with stopping or at least inhibiting foster dogs from eating poop by putting a tablespoon of canned pumpkin on all the dogs food, which has the added benefit of helping digestion and being a good source of vitamins. We've also found that charcoal biscuits help with slowing this habit. For some fosters, though, the only solution is to pick up the poop right away... if it is there, they will eat it. Good luck!
> --- In boxerlovers@yahoogroups.com, "melissa924" <melissa924@> wrote:
> >
> > My 6 mos. old boxer, Bella eats her poop and I have tried EVERYTHING that I know of to make her stop. I've tried pineapple, otc meds and I try to be out there everytime she has to do her business but I can't always get outside right away. I'm very stressed out about this especially when she comes in and I can smell it on her face. I have talked to my vet and they said some dogs just do it and don't grow out of it. Bella is my 2nd boxer but the first dog that's ever done this. Please please help me and give me some other advice.
> >

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