Re: sterilising a 7 year old male


He could safely be done, just keep him on crate rest.  I just had my 10yo champion done, it takes a bit longer to heal at that age, but everything works out.

Jen Thon
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--- On Wed, 10/12/11, John <> wrote:

From: John <>
Subject: <Dachsie World> sterilising a 7 year old male
Date: Wednesday, October 12, 2011, 10:43 AM

we have a 7 year old male whom we did not have as a pup and he has not been sterilised . Should he be done now at this age, are there side effects? Had read somewhere not good for dogs with joint problems?? He does not have at the moment.
would love to hear your thoughts please
I ask because he will relocate to the UK soon, at the moment he has not contact with other dogs but in the UK that could change

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