Cheryl Anderson princes7ca@yahoo.com OTRA Verified Transporter All American Dachshund Rescue www.allamericandachshundrescue.org
--- On Fri, 7/29/11, Cheryl Anderson <princes7ca@yahoo.com> wrote: From: Cheryl Anderson <princes7ca@yahoo.com> Subject: PLEASE READ!!! EXX URGENT ~ Greenville SC -- POPCORN ~ 3y smooth b/t std DOXIE BOY***NEEDS RESCUE...PLEASE HELP!! To: "Dee Ann Jones" <deesdawgs@aol.com>, "Karen Borden" <karenb@kw.com>, "DREAM Dachshund Rescue" <helpmedream@gmail.com>, "Dachshunds In Need" <dachshundsinneed@yahoogroups.com>, "KATHY HAMILTON" <froghamilton@yahoo.com>, "Heather Clemmer" <reddachshundmom@hotmail.com>, "Caitrin Wehner" <Katie_Wehner@hotmail.com>, "Dachshund Club of America" <emmajean52@aol.com>, "MIDWEST DOXIE RESCUE" <hal25c@yahoo.com>, "oolong dachshund rescue" <doxie@oolongdachshundrescue.org>, "Nebraska Dachshund Rescue" <carla@carlachapman.com>, "C2C doxie Rescue" <foreverdoxies@gmail.com>, "Misspostit" <misspostit@yahoo.com>, "Katie Walter" <katie.walter@att.net>, "Cindy Holifield" <lucedalespca@yahoo.com>, "Bayou Doxie Club Rescue" <Gregdachs@aol.com>, "Southern States Doxie Rescue" <AgileOllie@yahoo.com>, "Gulf Coast Doxie Resc" <gulfcoastdachshundrescue@yahoo.com>, "Enid Kreiner" <enidjk1@comcast.net>, "DASH RESCUE-Lois Klapp" <cnlklapp@verizon.net>, "NE Ohio Doxie Rescue" <TheWeinerBrigade@aol.com>, " OhioS. Ohio Doxie Rescue Lebanon" <wildwienerranch@live.com>, "Louisville Dachshund Club" <lucinschul@aol.com>, "Minnesota Doxie Rescue" <info@smalldogsminnesota.org>, "Fundoxie Doxie Rescue" <msdachshund@yahoo.com>, "Dachsie World" <Dachsie_world@yahoogroups.com>, "Dachsaholics Anonymous" <Dachsaholicsanonymous@yahoogroups.com>, "Bucks Co and NJ Doxie Rescue" <info@doxierescue.com>, "Doxie Rescue of St. Louis Mo" <fischkd@charter.net>, "Furever Doxie Rescue" <Intake@FureverDachshundRescue.org>, "Central Ind Doxie Rescue" <dachslovr@aol.com>, "Ky Doxie Rescue" <kydoxierescue@aol.com> Date: Friday, July 29, 2011, 10:02 AM
ORIGINALLY THERE WERE 3 DOXIES AT THIS SHELTER NEEDING RESCUE - THE OTHER TWO HAVE BEEN RESCUED AND POPCORN HAS BEEN LEFT ALL ALONE TO FACE THE WALK DOWN THE HALL TO CERTAIN DEATH!!! ISN'T THERE ANYONE AT ALL OUT THERE WHO CAN SAVE THIS LITTLE SWEET BOY??? HE IS ONLY 3 YEARS OLD!!! IF YOU CAN NOT HELP HIM, PLEASE, PLEASE CROSSPOST TO SAVE HIM!!! THIS IS A MESSAGE FROM KATIE WEHNER (katie_wehner@hotmail.com) : In case it helps..... I have a vet here near me in VA who will fully treat (2 imitcide shots +xray) HW pos for only $160. The $65 shelter pull fee cover pretty much all other needed vetting, so... total cost to pull & fully vet Popcorn would only be $225 !!! ~Katie ============================================== Greenville County Animal Care Service's Rescue Team has a new e-mail address!
Please Contact us at: petrescue@greenvillecounty.org Other ways to contact us: 328 Furman Hall Rd, Greenville, SC 29609 Rescue Team: 864-467-3952 Feline Rescue Coordinator: Andrea Canine Rescue Coordinator: Lauren Thanks for being Lifesavers!  | NAME: Popcorn ANIMAL ID: 13535257 BREED: Dach SEX: Male EST. AGE: 3 yrs EST. WEIGHT: 20 lbs HEALTH: Heartworm Positive TEMPERAMENT: Friendly ADDITIONAL INFO: RESCUE PULL FEE: $65 AVAILABLE DATE: Now UPDATE: space is limited!!! PULL FEE/VETTING INFORMATION: The $65 fee for dogs includes spay/neuter, microchip, de-worm, DHLPP/Rabies vaccs, Heartworm test (4 months old+) and flea treatment. |
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