Cheryl Anderson OTRA Verified Transporter All American Dachshund Rescue
--- On Sun, 7/31/11, Robin Shields <> wrote: From: Robin Shields <> Subject: RE: NEAR MADERA, CA: CHOWCHILLA AC: BEAUTIFUL FEMALE PIEBALD DOXIE MIX - NEEDS RESCUE!!! PLEASE HELP!! To: "'Cheryl Anderson'" <>, "'Lakus Antoinette'" <>, "'AADR Dachshund Train'" <>, "'OTRA_Breed_Rescue'" <>, "'Teresa'" <>, "'Linda Hendricks'" <>, "'Jonathan Cabrieto'" <>, "'Shelly Moquin'" <>, "'Jenell Rangan'" <>, "'Dachshund Club of America'" <>, "'MIDWEST DOXIE RESCUE'" <>, "'DASH RESCUE-Lois Klapp'" <>, "'Dee Ann Jones'" <>, "'Dee Pruitt'" <>, "'Dachshunds In Need'" <>, "'Dachsie World'" <>, "'Dachsaholics Anonymous'" <>, "'oolong dachshund rescue'" <>, "'Nebraska Dachshund Rescue'" <>, "'Katie Walter'" <>, "'Misspostit'" <>, "'Claudia Lange'" <>, "'Tiffany Nicol'" <> Date: Sunday, July 31, 2011, 4:07 PM
I have been dealing with Kathleen Hendon to get her. Last I knew she was arranging transport for me to get her to Chico . I have a forever home for her already. From: Cheryl Anderson [] Sent: Sunday, July 31, 2011 12:14 PM To: Lakus Antoinette; AADR Dachshund Train; OTRA_Breed_Rescue; Teresa; Linda Hendricks; Jonathan Cabrieto; Shelly Moquin; Robin Shields; Jenell Rangan; Dachshund Club of America; MIDWEST DOXIE RESCUE; DASH RESCUE-Lois Klapp; Dee Ann Jones; Dee Pruitt; Dachshunds In Need; Dachsie World; Dachsaholics Anonymous; oolong dachshund rescue; Nebraska Dachshund Rescue; Katie Walter; Misspostit; Claudia Lange; Tiffany Nicol Subject: NEAR MADERA , CA : CHOWCHILLA AC: BEAUTIFUL FEMALE PIEBALD DOXIE MIX - NEEDS RESCUE!!! PLEASE HELP!! THIS LITTLE BEAUTY CAME IN AS A STRAY****AFTER HER 3 DAY STRAY HOLD SHE WILL BE TRANSFERRED TO THE MADERA , CA ANIMAL SHELTER (IF SOMEONE KNOWS THE INFORMATION FOR MADERA SHELTER, PLEASE LET US ALL KNOW)...SHE IS GORGEOUS! IF YOU CAN SAVE HER, PLEASE SEE CONTACT INFORMATION BELOW FOR THE CHOWCHILLA, AC: IF YOU CAN NOT SAVE HER, PLEASE CROSSPOST FAR AND WIDE...(NO CRAIGSLIST) THANK YOU.

There is no contact info with this e-mail. Had to look up to see what state Chowchilla Animal Shelter is in as well as rest of into - - 122 Trinity Avenue, Chowchilla, CA 93610 - Phone (559) (559) 665-8600 - e-mail
---------- Forwarded message ---------- Date: Sun, Jul 31, 2011 at 11:37 AM Subject: Piebald doxie mix in Chowchilla This girl is at the Chowchilla Animal Shelter which sends their critters to the Madera County Animal shelter after the mandatory 3 day state hold time. They say is very sweet, rides well in the car, and a total lap dog. If you could share this girl, that wold be great. I did get a lot of contacts yesterday because of the one in Madera , so if I have included you on here, and you don't wish to be on here, please let me know. You do need to be a 501c3 to pull this dog. |
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