what the heck ! is this dump your doxie week or what !! ?????
--- On Sat, 7/23/11, Cheryl Anderson <princes7ca@yahoo.com> wrote:
From: Cheryl Anderson <princes7ca@yahoo.com> Subject: <Dachsie World> Fwd: YORK, SC-ANIMAL CONTROL---ADORABLE PB Min Doxie -PLEASE HELP!!!! [1 Attachment] To: "Misspostit" <misspostit@yahoo.com>, "Katie Walter" <katie.walter@att.net>, "OTRA_Breed_Rescue" <OTRA_Breed_Rescue@yahoogroups.com>, "Tiffany Nicol" <nicoltiffany6@aol.com>, "niki kapoor" <niki.kapoor@gmail.com>, "Dee Ann Jones" <deesdawgs@aol.com>, "Dee Pruitt" <deepruitt@verizon.net>, "Dachshunds In Need" <dachshundsinneed@yahoogroups.com>, "Dachsie World" <Dachsie_world@yahoogroups.com>, "Dachsaholics Anonymous" <Dachsaholicsanonymous@yahoogroups.com>, "oolong dachshund rescue" <doxie@oolongdachshundrescue.org>, "Nebraska Dachshund Rescue" <carla@carlachapman.com>, "C2C doxie Rescue" <foreverdoxies@gmail.com>, "Judi Headrick" <doxies4@gmail.com>, "Caitrin Wehner" <Katie_Wehner@hotmail.com>, "KATHY HAMILTON" <froghamilton@yahoo.com>, "Dachshund Club of America" <emmajean52@aol.com>, "MIDWEST DOXIE RESCUE" <hal25c@yahoo.com>, "Enid Kreiner" <enidjk1@comcast.net>, "Bucks Co and NJ Doxie Rescue" <info@doxierescue.com>, "DASH RESCUE-Lois Klapp" <cnlklapp@verizon.net>, "DREAM Dachshund Rescue" <helpmedream@gmail.com>, "Karen Borden" <karenb@kw.com>, "Gulf Coast Doxie Resc" <gulfcoastdachshundrescue@yahoo.com> Date: Saturday, July 23, 2011, 4:07 PM
PLEASE CROSSPOST!!!! Especially to Doxie Rescues!!! He just needs someone to love. A047320 - 3 YEARS, UNALTERED MALE, BLACK DACHSHUND MIN SMALL DUE OUT BY 07/25/2011 This is a rescue-friendly shelter-if you need help getting approval, contact Marion Worrell. marion.worrell@gmail.com Please refer to the animal's I.D. number when contacting the shelter! If there is an asterisk (*) after the "DUE OUT BY" date, this indicates there is additional information regarding this animal that you may find helpful. Call or e-mail to find out! To Pull, please do the following : E-mail the shelter or call one of the numbers below. Give them your 501c3 number if they don't already have it. These animals are to rescue only. Have the animal's I.D. number available If local transport or pull is needed, contact (e-mail) one of the following: They should be able to help you with info you need. Shelter hours 9-5:00 Mon-Fri. Sat. 9 – 12:30 *NOTE: You, too, can check out pets on Pet Harbor. The zip code you should enter is 29745 Go to "Search I.D. Number" A list of shelters will come up. Select York County Animal Shelter at the bottom of the first list. Go to the top of that list and select "Use this Shelter list" The next screen will be "I.D. search" –type in the Dog or cat's I.D. number. If a picture comes up, it is still there! YCAC "Daily Rescue Animals" http://www.yorkcountygov.com/Departments/DepartmentsNZ/PublicWorks/Divisions/AnimalControl/LostAnimals/tabid/552/Default.aspx The following is a list of animals currently available for RESCUE at York County Animal Control (YORK, SC).
The following are standard criteria:
1. The animal has had a health check at the time they were selected for rescue, with any abnormalities noted listed in the electronic kennel record. 2. The animal appeared to be amicable towards people, other dogs, and cats at the time that they were selected for rescue. 3. Other notable criteria, if any (such as basic obedience skills, appears housetrained, etc.) will have been noted in the electronic kennel record.
If there is an asterisk (*) after the "DUE OUT BY" date, this indicates there is additional information regarding this animal that you may find helpful
Please contact us at (803) 628-3190 if you wish this additional information. All information provided regarding an animal should be considered a "snapshot" window in time, to the best of our abilities, in a high intake shelter environment.
-- Heather Clemmer- reddachshundmom@gmail.com Transport Coordinator All American Dachshund Rescue www.allamericandachshundrescue.org
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