Re: A fat doxie, help


She tells us she is really fat, and told us to puther on a green bean diet. U replace one meal with green beans. But they are fullon soduim and I cant find the low salt ones. She didnt say how much or what kind of food that you could find in our small town. I have her on Beniful small bites now. She was bored with the other she had. No treats. I guess I should measure, what a 1/3 of a cup 2times a day. I will admit I feed she 3 meals day and I know I should. My hubbby isnt any help because he thinks she is hurry.
    I am going to cut out the lunch and walk her alot.How much to you feed them and any advice I would be greatful

From: Carol Parcell <>
Sent: Saturday, July 2, 2011 8:19 AM
Subject: Re: <Dachsie World> A fat doxie, help


I'm curious ..... what DOES your vet recommend as to what is a good food?  

Carol & the Furkids:  Leo, Ellis, Bogart & Ruby

On Sat, Jul 2, 2011 at 12:01 AM, Nancy Foster <> wrote:
Talking about the good quality food. As our vet put it, you can feed these little dogs filet mignon and be able to afford it; they shouldn't eat but a tiny bit. He wasn't suggesting filet mignon, just saying that cheap dog food was not necessary for such a little one. He would disagree with many on the list about what exactly quality dog food is, and he majored in that in vet school, but that another discussion. Again, I'd be sure to discuss it with your vet as well as us.

On Fri, Jul 1, 2011 at 11:07 PM, Manuela <> wrote:
My dogs weigh aroiund 12-14lb  they get 1/4c in the am and one in the pm.treats are 100% natural chicken strips,fat free. If you feel by cutting back her food she looks at you with those puppy eyes  add on fat free veggies,like beans,carrotts  boiled chicken breast do not show your love thru food but by doing everything to keep her around longer...hope that helped also try to feed good quality food with out isn't the quantity that counts but the quality...
From: Donna
Sent: Friday, July 01, 2011 7:44 PM
Subject: <Dachsie World> A fat doxie, help
I have a mini doxie almost two and and she is 17 pounds and I dont knowwhat to do. How much should she eat. I know I feed her too much and I dont know how much.I think I give her a cup a day . I feed he in the am, a hand full at lunch and then dinner( 6,1:30 and 6or7pm).Please help me,

Donnaand Dottie

Nancy P. Foster
Retired English teacher

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