Re: [boxer lovers] Re: Boxer puppy


One thing I've noticed about Satch is, when you have to step over him, he doesn't get up, most of the other dogs I've had would jump up, and I'd go flying.
----- Original Message -----
From: Mary Rue
Sent: Friday, July 22, 2011 3:10 PM
Subject: [boxer lovers] Re: Boxer puppy

I have been tripped much much more by the little breeds I had. Mainly Maltese and Miniature Poodles than by adult Boxers. Many Boxers we have bred were placed with people with MS, MD, and with other physical handicaps. They all did fine.
Both my knees are are severely affected by osteoarthritis. I also have Rheumatoid Arthritis. I will never give up my Boxers no matter what. One solution is to train them to sit and stay when you are moving around.

I have a friend that cares for 2 Pugs. I know they have tripped her.

Mary Rue

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