
[boxer lovers] How much puppy kibble should my 10 wk old boxer be eating?


We need some advice if anyone has had dealings with this before.
My puppy boxer is 10 wks old and we are feeding him puppy chow, the bag says 3 cups per day, and some days he eats only one cup some days 2 cups to 2 1/2 cups. @ 8 wks he was 9.2 LBS and when we went back to the vet at 10 wks he only gained 1 LB. the vet says he is ok and didn't seem concerned, Rex my puppy is active and drinks water. Has anyone else delt with this before, I have a 3 y/o female and as a puppy she ate 3 cups per day, and my male that passed away of cancer he also as a puppy ate 3 cups per day. Need some help.

Thanks Ryan and Vaness

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