Re: disc disease


I am very sorry to hear about Jacob's injury. My 13 year old dachsie, Bruno, injured her back and was paralyzed within an hour. I had to put her to sleep. It was very hard but I couldn't stand to see her in pain. 13 is very old to suffer a back injury in dachsies. 5 to 8 yrs. old is the usual time frame when they are vulnerable.
  My in-laws daschie, Ginger, was paralyzed at age 5. The surgery was $1500. She recovered and lived to be 12 years old. Her back legs were wobbly but she suffered no pain, post surgery. We built ramps for her to go outside, and she did well.
  I guess what I'm saying is there is no easy answer. I just hate to see my dogs suffer.I hope things go well for you and Jacob.
Kevin Krippel

From: Grace M <>
Sent: Sat, May 28, 2011 8:36:09 PM
Subject: <Dachsie World> disc disease


Our 5 year old dachshund Jakob, who has disc disease and has been getting treatment, caged, not allowed to jump etc., was walking thru the living room when his legs gave out. We rushed him to the vet - and he is now paralyzed with no feeling - but he has some deep pain. Looking at the xrays - he has at least 3 places in his spine that show damage. Without more he will never walk again. They are recommending surgery - which has no guarantees and is very expensive.

My question - have any of you had this situation - had surgery and had a dog with a good quality of life?

My husband and I are torn. Doing the surgery will deplete are savings. And we have been told by other vets that they did not recommend this surgery. We need some kind of other words.





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