
[boxer lovers] Specialty Show: Houston Boxer Club, Inc. on 7/20/2016


A new Specialty Show has been scheduled for your breed. [# 2016138901]
Houston Boxer Club, Inc. (S/SWPC) on Wednesday 7/20/2016
Show Site: NRG Arena
City: Houston, TX
Superintendent: Onofrio Dog Shows, L.L.C.

AKC Link: http://www.akc.org/events/search/index_results.cfm?action=plan&event_number=2016138901&cde_comp_type=&NEW_END_DATE1=&cde_comp_group=CONF
Infodog Link: Not yet listed.

Best of Luck should you decide to attend,


Posted by: JCHG@ShowDays.info<jchg@showdays.info>
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Forest Biome: The Largest and Most Complex Terrestrial Biome

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Forest Biome: The Largest and Most Complex Terrestrial Biome

Welcome to the Animals / Wildlife Newsletter, a weekly newsletter published by About.com's Animals / Wildlife website. For more about animals and wildlife, be sure to stop by the growing library of animal profiles.

Laura Klappenbach
Animals & Wildlife Expert
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