
[boxer lovers] Judge Change - Boxers 7/12 Twin Brooks KC


Twin Brooks Kennel Club, Inc. (AB/JSHW) on Sun 7/12 [2015174001]
CITY: Morristown, NJ - SITE: William G Mennen Sports Arena

BREED: Boxers
CHANGED TO: Mr. Ralph (Sonny) Ambrosio (#2551)
FROM: Mrs. Jacqueline M. Rayner
Change made on: 06/29/15
SUPERINTENDANT: Jim Rau Dog Shows, Ltd.

To view ratings and notes on the new judge: http://showdays.info/judgpubv.php?jid=2551
Permission to crosspost is granted. If you would like judge changes for another breed, email Ron@ShowDays.info.



Posted by: JCHG@ShowDays.info<jchg@showdays.info>
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Am casandra,I need your assistance on a project,


[boxer lovers] Judge Change - Boxers 7/11 Del Monte KC


Del Monte Kennel Club, Inc. (AB/O/JSHW) on Sat 7/11 [2015106203]
CITY: Carmel, CA - SITE: Carmel Middle School

BREED: Boxers
CHANGED TO: Dr. Robert A. Indeglia (#1075)
FROM: Ms. Patricia W. Laurans
Change made on: 06/26/15

To view ratings and notes on the new judge: http://showdays.info/judgpubv.php?jid=1075
Permission to crosspost is granted. If you would like judge changes for another breed, email Ron@ShowDays.info.



Posted by: JCHG@ShowDays.info<jchg@showdays.info>
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[boxer lovers] Date Change: Boxer Club of Southern California on 1/8/2016


Boxer Club of Southern California (S/JSHW/SWPC) on Friday 1/8/2016
Show Site: Empire Equestrian Park and Polo Field
City: Indio, CA

Changed From: Thursday 1/7/2016
Superintendent: Bonnie Wagaman, Event Secretary

AKC Link: http://www.akc.org/events/search/index_results.cfm?action=plan&event_number=2016195301&cde_comp_type=&NEW_END_DATE1=&cde_comp_group=CONF
Infodog Link: http://www.infodog.com/clubs/2016195301.HTM

Best of Luck should you decide to attend,


Posted by: JCHG@ShowDays.info<jchg@showdays.info>
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[boxer lovers] Judge Change - Boxers 7/11 Roaring Fork KC


Roaring Fork Kennel Club, Inc. (AB/O/JSHW) on Sat 7/11 [2015165001]
CITY: Eagle, CO - SITE: Eagle River Center

BREED: Boxers
CHANGED TO: Mrs. Gloria Geringer (#5157)
FROM: Col. Joe B. Purkhiser
Change made on: 06/25/15
SUPERINTENDANT: Onofrio Dog Shows, L.L.C.

To view ratings and notes on the new judge: http://showdays.info/judgpubv.php?jid=5157
Permission to crosspost is granted. If you would like judge changes for another breed, email Ron@ShowDays.info.



Posted by: JCHG@ShowDays.info<jchg@showdays.info>
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[boxer lovers] Judge Change - Boxers 7/10 Blackhawk KC


Blackhawk Kennel Club, Inc. (AB/JSHW) on Fri 7/10 [2015083302]
CITY: Belvidere, IL - SITE: Boone County Fairgrounds

BREED: Boxers
CHANGED TO: Mr. John P. Wade (#5936)
FROM: Mr. Dana P. Cline
Change made on: 06/25/15
SUPERINTENDANT: Roy Jones Dog Shows, Inc.

To view ratings and notes on the new judge: http://showdays.info/judgpubv.php?jid=5936
Permission to crosspost is granted. If you would like judge changes for another breed, email Ron@ShowDays.info.



Posted by: JCHG@ShowDays.info<jchg@showdays.info>
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Nesting Puffins Caught on Camera

Two of our Atlantic puffins, Victor and Vixen, have been observed outfitting a nest!
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Baby Puffin
Animal Update: Nesting Observed in Sea Cliffs

While wild puffins nest in holes in the ground and in rocky crevices, the puffins here at the Aquarium nest in specially constructed breeding burrows. We used a night-vision camera to get a glimpse of Victor and Vixen outfitting their burrow with corn husks.

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July 4th Pier Party
July 4th Pier Party

Saturday, July 4, 2015
The best view of Baltimore's Fourth of July fireworks is at the National Aquarium! We'll have children's crafts, entertainment, face painting and music for the whole family to enjoy under the Aquarium's Pier 3 tent! Beer and wine will be available for purchase. Guests can tour the Aquarium's galleries before the fireworks light up the sky over the Inner Harbor at 9:30 pm.

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Upcoming Events

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Conservation Event
JUNE 27, 2015 10 AM - 1 PM

BioBlitz at Masonville Cove

4 Aquarium After Dark
JULY 4, 2015 7 PM - 10 PM

July 4th Pier Party

9 Aquarium After Dark
JULY 9, 2015 6:30 PM - 8:30 PM

Tracking Great White Sharks

8 Conservation Event
AUGUST 8, 9, 22 & 23, 2015

Shark Tagging Trip

15 Aquarium After Dark
SEPTEMBER 15, 2015 6:30 PM - 8:30 PM

The Extreme Life of the Sea

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National Aquarium is a nonprofit organization whose mission is to inspire conservation of the world's aquatic treasures.

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