
[boxer lovers] Judge Change - Boxers 1/3 KC of Palm Springs


Kennel Club of Palm Springs, Inc. (AB/O/JSHW) on Sat 1/3 [2015222902]
CITY: Indio, CA - SITE: Empire Equestrian Park and Polo Field

BREED: Boxers
CHANGED TO: Mr. Lowell K. Davis (#477)
FROM: Bobby Birdsong
Change made on: 12/30/14
SUPERINTENDANT: Jack Bradshaw Dog Shows

To view ratings and notes on the new judge:
Permission to crosspost is granted. If you would like judge changes for another breed, email


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Exciting Achievements in 2014

It's been quite the year.
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5 Major Milestones of 2014
5 Major Milestones of 2014

The end of one year brings the promises of another. But as we look to 2015 with plans to take the next steps in evolving our role as a nationally recognized conservation organization operating a world-class aquarium, we are reflecting on some of our notable achievements in 2014.

1. Blacktip Reef's One-Year Anniversary
One year after its opening, Blacktip Reef is still making waves! We celebrated our Indo-Pacific exhibit's first anniversary in August, only to be recognized a month later for Significant Achievement in Exhibit Design by the Association of Zoos and Aquariums!

2. Biohut Pilot Program Launch
We installed eight Biohuts on the bulkheads in Baltimore's Inner Harbor in June, marking the beginning of an exciting project to revitalize this critical extension of the Chesapeake Bay.

3. A Thrilling Lecture Series
Renowned oceanographer Sylvia Earle and famed explorer and film producer Jean-Michel Cousteau were just two of the stars of our 2014 Marjorie Lynn Bank Lecture Series. Check out what's in store for next year's series!

4. So Many Babies!
Four baby big-headed Amazon River turtles hatched in our Amazon River Forest exhibit—it's believed this is the first time they've been successfully bred in a North American collection. We also celebrated the birth of a northern Australia snapping turtle, a Hosmer's skink and a Mertens' water monitor.

5. Animal Rescue Successes
In just one year, our Animal Rescue team traveled 10,000 miles for animal response and releases, outreach and training. Staff and volunteers dedicated over 800 hours of their time, and—thanks to the generosity of donors—we fed our turtle patients over 370 pounds of food. How's that for numbers?!

We couldn't have reached these milestones without the support of the generous individuals who donate their time and money. Thanks to our staff and volunteers who made things happen in 2014, and to all of the wonderful donors who fuel our efforts to inspire conservation of the world's aquatic treasures each and every day.

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501 East Pratt Street • Baltimore, MD 21202
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Happy Holidays!

Thank you for all you do to support our mission to inspire conservation of the world's aquatic treasures.
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501 East Pratt Street • Baltimore, MD 21202
National Aquarium is a nonprofit organization whose mission is to inspire conservation of the world's aquatic treasures.

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[boxer lovers] Specialty Judge: Ohio Boxer Club, Inc.


The Judge(s) have been announced for:
Ohio Boxer Club, Inc. (S) [Event 2015095601]
On: Sat 5/23/2015 In: New Castle, PA At: Lawrence County Farm Show Grounds
Superintendent: Judy Lowther, Event Secretary

Boxer Judge = Mrs. Gloria Geringer (5157)
To view ratings and notes on this judge, click here:


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[boxer lovers] Specialty Show: Blue Grass Boxer Club, Inc. on 5/3/2015


A new Specialty Show has been scheduled for your breed. [# 2015165201]
Blue Grass Boxer Club, Inc. (S) on Sunday 5/3/2015
Show Site: Wyndham Indianapolis West Hotel
City: Indianapolis, IN
Superintendent: MB-F Inc.

AKC Link:
Infodog Link: Not yet listed.

Best of Luck should you decide to attend,


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[boxer lovers] Specialty Show: Ohio Boxer Club, Inc. on 5/23/2015


A new Specialty Show has been scheduled for your breed. [# 2015095601]
Ohio Boxer Club, Inc. (S) on Saturday 5/23/2015
Show Site: Lawrence County Farm Show Grounds
City: New Castle, PA
Superintendent: Judy Lowther, Event Secretary

AKC Link:
Infodog Link: Not yet listed.

Best of Luck should you decide to attend,


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[boxer lovers] Specialty Show: Ohio Boxer Club, Inc. on 5/24/2015


A new Specialty Show has been scheduled for your breed. [# 2015095602]
Ohio Boxer Club, Inc. (S/SWPC) on Sunday 5/24/2015
Show Site: Lawrence County Farm Show Grounds
City: New Castle, PA
Superintendent: Judy Lowther, Event Secretary

AKC Link:
Infodog Link: Not yet listed.

Best of Luck should you decide to attend,


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[boxer lovers] Specialty Show: Greater Cincinnati Boxer Club on 6/25/2015


A new Specialty Show has been scheduled for your breed. [# 2015143701]
Greater Cincinnati Boxer Club (S) on Thursday 6/25/2015
Show Site: Lima Kennel Club Showgrounds
City: Lima, OH
Superintendent: MB-F Inc.

AKC Link:
Infodog Link: Not yet listed.

Best of Luck should you decide to attend,


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We Owe Our Success to Your Support

It's been quite the year.
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We Owe Our Success to Your Support

The numbers don't lie. We made an impact in 2014. And it's all thanks to your support. With this year's donations, we made our blue planet a cleaner, healthier place to live. Help us continue our conservation efforts by giving a gift today!

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501 East Pratt Street • Baltimore, MD 21202
National Aquarium is a nonprofit organization whose mission is to inspire conservation of the world's aquatic treasures.

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