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-------- Original message --------
From: Nana Charlton <>
Date: 09/28/2013 9:43 PM (GMT-05:00)
Subject: Re: [boxer lovers] (unknown)
My daughter talked to another lady in her neighborhood who has a dog doing the same. The vet told her it was allergies. The dog is so bad it is now on steroids the Benadryl wasn't enough.
books like children and dogs should be loved,
Literature is my utopia,
It is the beginning of the end of a society or family when they no longer take care of their young or their old
From: Heather Jones <>
Sent: Saturday, September 28, 2013 9:05 PM
Subject: RE: [boxer lovers] (unknown)
Hi Nana,
Oddly, my 20 month old female is doing the same thing. I also suspected anal sac issues and took her to the vet two weeks ago. There was some blood where he butt had been, but the vet didn't find any blood. Her sacs were empty, poop clean and rectal exam was normal. She isn't licking at it a lot, but she is still curling her butt to the side very strangely. It's not the normal boxer kidney bean. My girl does have a lot of allergies. We use comfortis for flea control.
Boxer hugs and kisses,
Heather, mom to
Maggie/boxer/73 lbs/12 +yrs/ CKD, chronic pancreatitis, hypothyroidism, arthritis, arrhythmia controlled by sotalol, adult onset epilepsy, likely IBD, a heart condition suspected to be ARVC or DCM and now mammary carcinoma spread to the lower lymph node
Gabby/boxer/70 lbs/20 mos/Major dietary indiscretions crazy puppy syndrome :)
Orange County, CA
books like children and dogs should be loved,
It is the beginning of the end of a society or family when they no longer take care of their young or their old