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[boxer lovers] Specialty Judge: American Boxer Club, Inc.


The Judge(s) have been announced for:
American Boxer Club, Inc. (PS) [Event 2012093709]
On: Fri 11/2/2012 In: Ontario, CA At: Radisson Airport Hotel
Superintendent: Rhonda Storm, Event Secretary

Boxer Judge = Mrs. Cheryl C Robbins (6661)
To view ratings and notes on this judge, click here: http://showdays.info/judgpubv.php?jid=6661


Recent Activity:


[boxer lovers] Site Change: Orange Coast Boxer Club on 11/1/2012


Orange Coast Boxer Club (S/SWPC) on Thursday 11/1/2012
Show Site: Radisson Airport Hotel
City: Ontario, CA

Changed From: Ontario Airport Marriott - Ontario, CA
Superintendent: Rhonda Storm, Event Secretary

AKC Link: http://www.akc.org/events/search/index_results.cfm?action=plan&event_number=2012196103&cde_comp_type=&NEW_END_DATE1=&cde_comp_group=CONF
Infodog Link: http://www.infodog.com/clubs/2012196103.HTM

Best of Luck should you decide to attend,

Recent Activity:


[boxer lovers] Specialty Show: New Jersey Boxer Club on 3/23/2013


A new Specialty Show has been scheduled for your breed. [# 2013131401]
New Jersey Boxer Club (DS) on Saturday 3/23/2013
Show Site: New Jersey Convention and ExpositionCntr
City: Edison, NJ
Superintendent: Jim Rau Dog Shows, Ltd.

AKC Link: http://www.akc.org/events/search/index_results.cfm?action=plan&event_number=2013131401&cde_comp_type=&NEW_END_DATE1=&cde_comp_group=CONF
Infodog Link: Not yet listed.

Best of Luck should you decide to attend,

Recent Activity:


[boxer lovers] Judge Change - Boxers 7/14 Inland Empire KA


Inland Empire Kennel Association, Inc. (AB/JSHW) on Sat 7/14 [2012001201]
CITY: Coeur DAlene, ID - SITE: Kootenai County Fairgrounds

BREED: Boxers
CHANGED TO: Mr. Garry K. Newton (#6473)
FROM: Mr. Donavon Thompson
Change made on: 06/27/12
SUPERINTENDANT: Onofrio Dog Shows, L.L.C.

To view ratings and notes on the new judge: http://showdays.info/judgpubv.php?jid=6473
Permission to crosspost is granted. If you would like judge changes for another breed, email Ron@ShowDays.info.


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About Animals: Brittle Stars and Basket Stars - Echinoderms with Inflexible Arms

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Brittle Stars and Basket Stars - Echinoderms with Inflexible Arms
Like sea stars, brittle stars and basket stars have (in most species) five arms (which in some species are highly branched). But the arms of brittle stars and basket stars... Read more
See More About:  invertebrates  echinoderms 

Starfish - The Stellar Echinoderms
There are some 1500 species of sea stars (also known as starfish) alive today. Sea stars, like all echinoderms, are marine animals. They inhabit all of the world's oceans and... Read more
See More About:  invertebrates  starfish  sea stars

Echinoderms - Some Very Odd Animals
Echinoderms are a group of animals that include starfish, brittlefish, sea lilies, sea daisies, sand dollars, sea cucumbers and sea urchins. The are, arguably, among the oddest animals alive today. The... Read more
See More About:  invertebrates  echinoderms 

Zoology Glossary
The science of zoology has a language of its own with thousands of terms that are rarely used by non-experts. This collection of definitions and word lists should help as you try to understand the vast language that has developed for the study of animals.


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Re: hello group


Hello Sandy. Glad you are still tuned in to the group. My three red babies are still as spoiled and loved as always. Come back often...I read but hardly ever post any more.

Peg, from MN.

-----Original Message-----
From: nursesandy1com6 <no_reply@yahoogroups.com>
To: Dachsie_World <Dachsie_World@yahoogroups.com>
Sent: Thu, Jun 28, 2012 1:13 am
Subject: <Dachsie World> hello group

Havent talked for awhile but never forgot you all my red winnie dog is still with me and I love him more then the day he arrived

Recent Activity:


hello group


Havent talked for awhile but never forgot you all my red winnie dog is still with me and I love him more then the day he arrived

Recent Activity:


[boxer lovers] Judge Change - Boxers 9/9 Eugene KC


Eugene Kennel Club, Inc. (AB/O/JSHW) on Sun 9/9 [2012040808]
CITY: Brownsville, OR - SITE: Pioneer Park

BREED: Boxers
CHANGED TO: Mrs. Cindy Meyer (#15141)
FROM: Mr. Edd E. Bivin
Change made on: 06/26/12

To view ratings and notes on the new judge: http://showdays.info/judgpubv.php?jid=15141
Permission to crosspost is granted. If you would like judge changes for another breed, email Ron@ShowDays.info.


Recent Activity:


[boxer lovers] Judge Change - Boxers 7/5 Naugatuck Valley KC


Naugatuck Valley Kennel Club (AB/JSHW) on Thu 7/5 [2012163502]
CITY: W Springfield, MA - SITE: Eastern States Exposition Grounds

BREED: Boxers
CHANGED TO: Mr. William F. Hossler (#17437)
FROM: Mrs. Pamela J. Foulk
Change made on: 06/22/12

To view ratings and notes on the new judge: http://showdays.info/judgpubv.php?jid=17437
Permission to crosspost is granted. If you would like judge changes for another breed, email Ron@ShowDays.info.


Recent Activity:


[boxer lovers] Specialty Show: Boxer Club of Southern California on 10/31/2012


A new Specialty Show has been scheduled for your breed. [# 2012195302]
Boxer Club of Southern California (S/SWPC) on Wednesday 10/31/2012
Show Site: Radisson Airport Hotel
City: Ontario, CA
Superintendent: Rhonda Storm, Event Secretary

AKC Link: http://www.akc.org/events/search/index_results.cfm?action=plan&event_number=2012195302&cde_comp_type=&NEW_END_DATE1=&cde_comp_group=CONF
Infodog Link: Not yet listed.

Best of Luck should you decide to attend,

Recent Activity:


[boxer lovers] Specialty Judge: Orange Coast Boxer Club


The Judge(s) have been announced for:
Orange Coast Boxer Club (S/SWPC) [Event 2012196103]
On: Thu 11/1/2012 In: Ontario, CA At: Ontario Airport Marriott
Superintendent: Rhonda Storm, Event Secretary

Boxer Judge = John Keil (7463)
To view ratings and notes on this judge, click here: http://showdays.info/judgpubv.php?jid=7463
Boxer - Sweep Puppy: Judge = Keith Robbins


Recent Activity:


[boxer lovers] missing boxer: Kent, Ct.


Bentley the Boxer (from Boston) is missing in Connecticut at Camp Kenmont
on Rte 341 (updated). More details here:
http://www.facebook.com/pages/Help-Find-Bentley/258193890948147 Last seen
in Kent, CT. Please pass on

[image: Photo]

*STEPHANIE OVERBY :: independent journalist :: www.stephanieoverby.com

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Recent Activity:


Re: [boxer lovers] New member- Hyper 15 week old puppy- HELP


If you have air conditioning in your home and have stairs or a long hallway, you can play fetch with them. But beware Boxers are smart and may try to teach you to fetch. Mine tried.
I also use the red lazer light. Just try to keep it from contacting their eyes. Another thing I do is get a pack of balloons. Throw one up in the air and pat it to go a few feet away for them to chase. Each puppy is an individual. They will not all be happy with the same games or toys.
Good Luck with your baby.
Mary Rue
--- In boxerlovers@yahoogroups.com, "dmcmenomy" <dmcmenomy@...> wrote:
> Hi all-
> Thanks so much for all the suggestions. I really appreciate it. We live in AZ. Our extream summer heat is a factor in how much time Gigolo can spend outside in our lage fenced yard during the day. I walk him early in the morning and again when the sun goes down. We play fetch in the house with wiffle balls several times during the day. He has plenty of bully sticks and other chew toys to keep him busy, plus my six year old son is the best at playing with him. The normal boxer puppy energy is manageable for us. :) We are looking for suggestions for the crazy, insane, out of his mind, energy spirts he gets. They don't last long, maybe five minutes then he completely crashes. Sorry I don't think I explained that very well.
> Deborah
> --- In boxerlovers@yahoogroups.com, Lisa Wiser <lawiser@> wrote:
> >
> > Do you have a fenced backyard where he can run or are you limited to
> > leash and only off leash in the house?
> >
> > If you have a nice back yard (or a doggie park -- which, personally, I
> > never take my dog to because, WELL, you just never know what riff-raff
> > is there when you have the best dog going with you!) FOOTBALL. Wonderful
> > invention -- you can throw them, the dog can smack them with a foot, but
> > they don't roll true. Throw one that hits the ground and there's no
> > telling where it will end up. That lovely non-round shape. Which means
> > you are only expending the energy to throw it a few times while puppy is
> > chasing it all over the place.
> >
> > You can start with a smaller one ... better if you have one type of toy
> > you can throw and he can retrieve easily, but get a football that he
> > can't easily pick up ... defeats the purpose.
> >
> > For in the house, there are toys (but they aren't inexpensive and they
> > aren't the most durable) that are balls with gyro type mechanisms
> > inside. Usually there is some type of flat unstuffed toy attached so
> > it's like a flattened weasel (or whatever) being dragged around with the
> > mechanism .... and the dog.
> >
> > LisaW
> >
> > dmcmenomy wrote:
> > >
> > > Hi! My 15 week old boxer puppy is a really good dog, but when he gets
> > > crazy I don't know how to release his energy. This is our third boxer;
> > > first one we used a laser pointer, but hear that it can cause OCD. Our
> > > second pup chased a big horse ball around the backyard. Any
> > > suggestions we can try on this one?
> > >
> > > Deborah and Taylor
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > >
> >

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