
Re: [boxer lovers] Dooley Odom


I'm sorry you've lost him but you're in pain and he isn't anymore.
Unfortunately, we all have these losses and just have to endure them until
the pain is muted and we can look at a pic of our furkids and smile.
janice & marciano
missing Jo Louis, Sugar Raye, Sonny Liston, Duke, Sporty and Rockie Ann

On Mon, Oct 31, 2011 at 12:48 PM, Althea Odom <4733ghr@windstream.net>wrote:

> **
> Dooley crossed the Rainbow Bridge this morning at 8:50 AM. He was being
> held by me and the vet that had cared for him since he came to live with
> us. He is now chasing butterflies with Duncan and Bones.
> Althea
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Re: [boxer lovers] Dooley Odom


I'm so sorry, I think we all know how you feel. It's heartbreaking to lose your baby.
----- Original Message -----
From: Althea Odom
To: boxerlovers@yahoogroups.com
Sent: Monday, October 31, 2011 12:48 PM
Subject: [boxer lovers] Dooley Odom

Dooley crossed the Rainbow Bridge this morning at 8:50 AM. He was being held by me and the vet that had cared for him since he came to live with us. He is now chasing butterflies with Duncan and Bones.

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Re: [boxer lovers] Dooley Odom


Althea, you have had an incredibly difficult year and my heart and deepest condolences to you and everyone who loved Dooley. I think you are an incredible person for being with hhim until he made his way to the bridge. Take care of yourself and please try and remember Dooley and Duncan for the amazng companions they were. Our thoughts are you. Take care.

Candace and Helmut

Sent from Candace through Yahoo! Mail on Android

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Do you want to know a secret?

luciano, meet Bobby.

Bobby is only days old and cannot yet fend for himself. But he won't live to know his mother's love, or grow up to graze in green pastures. He is considered a 'waste product' of the Australian dairy industry, and his time is running out. Bobby's story is one that must be told. Click here to see the new ad that the dairy industry doesn't want us to publish...
Animals Australia - Bobby
Click here to watch Bobby's video

Can you help us place this ad in newspapers next week?

Newspaper ad revealing dairy's dark secret

>View the ad

>Donate now

Dairy-free chocolate milkshake Lost your appetite for dairy?

There's no need to miss out: calcium-rich dairy-free milks, yoghurts & ice-creams are widely available!

>Read our guide
Tragically, Bobby's story is just one of thousands.

Many milk drinkers are surprised to learn that, just like people, cows must give birth in order to produce milk. To maximise production, dairy cows are impregnated once every year. Most of their babies — called 'bobby calves' — are then killed before they are even one week old. Of little economic value to the dairy industry, over 700,000 bobby calves are trucked to slaughter every year. Most will spend their final hours at the abattoir cold and hungry, denied food for up to 30 hours before being slaughtered. All this, so that their mothers' milk can be turned into dairy products for human consumption. The questionable ethics behind milk production has been a long-held secret of the dairy industry.

When Animals Australia first publicly campaigned against these practices in February this year, our office was inundated by phone calls and e-mails from shocked members of the public. Many swore off dairy all together in favour of cruelty-free alternatives. A public consultation into the length of time bobby calves can legally be denied milk was also swamped with over 6,000 public submissions calling for better treatment of calves. Yet when agriculture ministers met last week to discuss the fate of bobby calves, the only options they considered were inhumane ones. With industry and government both failing to protect these vulnerable animals, their fate now rests in the hands of informed shoppers. Last week may have been a failure for bobby calves — but if we can fund this new ad in major newspapers we can ensure that next week won't be, as we alert hundreds of thousands of consumers to the truth.

Animals Australia believes that no animal deserves to be treated like a 'waste product'. If you agree, please click here to donate towards this critical public awareness ad. Even if you can only spare a few dollars, you can help create a kinder future for bobby calves.

Lyn For Bobby,
Lyn White
Campaign Director

P.S. The only reason mass cruelty to dairy calves has been allowed to continue is due to an equally massive lack of public awareness. Our new 'Bobby' ad will give a strong voice to baby calves who are among the most vulnerable and abused animals in the Australian farming system. And even if you are unable to make a donation this week, you can play a vital part in our public awareness campaign by sharing on facebook / twitter, or simply forwarding this message to your friends. Thank you.
Animals Australia 37 O'Connell St,
North Melbourne
Victoria 3051, Australia
You have received this alert because turlbombeiro@gmail.com is subscribed to receive Animals Australia e-updates. To unsubscribe, please click here.

Re: [boxer lovers] Dooley Odom


I am so sorry to hear about your loss.  Our prayers are with you and your family.
Mary Rue

--- On Mon, 10/31/11, Althea Odom <4733ghr@windstream.net> wrote:

From: Althea Odom <4733ghr@windstream.net>
Subject: [boxer lovers] Dooley Odom
To: boxerlovers@yahoogroups.com
Date: Monday, October 31, 2011, 1:48 PM


Dooley crossed the Rainbow Bridge this morning at 8:50 AM. He was being held by me and the vet that had cared for him since he came to live with us. He is now chasing butterflies with Duncan and Bones.

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